Sunday, October 14, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton printing

printing, a report on "How to Prepare Copy and Layout for Best
Printing Results"; experience in business, a report on "Better
Business Operating Techniques".

It's worth repeating: Whatever you write about, make it
something you know about, and are especially interested in. Art
Fettig writes about motivation and ideas for selling because he
has spent many years doing just that - motivating people toward
larger sales volume and "brainstorming" new ideas for more
sales. Doug Hooper writes about the power of positive thinking
because he has practice it and believes in it; it works for him
and he knows it can work for you. Paul J. Micali writes about
the techniques of closing more sales. He has spent all his life
teaching people to become better sales people, and he never
tires of talking about how easy and rewarding selling is with
the proper thinking and approaches. Maryanne Raphael writes for
all of us about the many and different writers' markets open and
available to freelance writers, because she has spent many years
searching and learning all about these markets as a freelance
writer. Whenever we talk with her, she's always "neck-deep"
with assignments from countless publications. She knows the
problems of the freelance writer, and she passes along
information of great value because she's been there. Dottie
Walters writes about the opportunities for women in business
because she's been "down to her last dime", started a business
on sheer determination alone, and knows the tremendous potential
of women in the business world. Today, she is one of the most
sought-after women in this country as an inspirational speaker
for women's groups. She gets paid for speaking before these
groups, and sells thousands of dollars worth of books at these
engagements besides! I could go on and on - naming friends and
telling you how they have taken a subject they were interested
in, found out everything about it they could, and parlayed it
into a fortune by starting with the writing of a "How-To"
report. Rather than go on with these stories of how others have
done it, and are doing it, let's get on with the task of showing
you how you can write your own "How-To" report and parlay it
into a personal wealth vehicle of your own!

Once you've decided on the subject you're going to write about,
the next step is thorough research. Visit your public library
and "bone up" on your subject. Read as much about it as you can
find - newspapers, magazines, books - everything! Start
collecting clippings, talk to your neighbors, your friends and
relatives, and take notes on all information you gather from
reading and personal discussion.

When you've spent a good six weeks intensively researching your
subject, gathering notes and discussing it as often as you can
with as many different people as possible, you should be ready
for the next step - the sorting, compiling and assembly of your
notes. Simply read through all the notes and clippings you have
accumulated, discarding those that are repetitious, and

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