Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton “And is your aunt alone now

“And is your aunt alone now?”
“Oh, no; Olimpia is sitting there.”
On my side I hesitated,cheap moncler jackets. “Shall we then step in there?” And I nodded at the parlor; I wanted more and more to be on the spot.
“We can’t talk there — she will hear us.”
I was on the point of replying that in that case we would sit silent, but I was too conscious that this would not do, as there was something I desired immensely to ask her. So I proposed that we should walk a little in the sala, keeping more at the other end, where we should not disturb the old lady. Miss Tita assented unconditionally; the doctor was coming again, she said, and she would be there to meet him at the door. We strolled through the fine superfluous hall, where on the marble floor — particularly as at first we said nothing — our footsteps were more audible than I had expected. When we reached the other end — the wide window, inveterately closed, connecting with the balcony that overhung the canal — I suggested that we should remain there, as she would see the doctor arrive still better. I opened the window and we passed out on the balcony. The air of the canal seemed even heavier, hotter than that of the sala. The place was hushed and void; the quiet neighborhood had gone to sleep. A lamp, here and there, over the narrow black water, glimmered in double; the voice of a man going homeward singing, with his jacket on his shoulder and his hat on his ear, came to us from a distance. This did not prevent the scene from being very comme il faut, as Miss Bordereau had called it the first time I saw her. Presently a gondola passed along the canal with its slow rhythmical plash, and as we listened we watched it in silence. It did not stop, it did not carry the doctor; and after it had gone on I said to Miss Tita:
“And where are they now — the things that were in the trunk?”
“In the trunk?”
“That green box you pointed out to me in her room. You said her papers had been there; you seemed to imply that she had transferred them.”
“Oh, yes; they are not in the trunk,” said Miss Tita.
“May I ask if you have looked?”
“Yes, I have looked — for you.”
“How for me, dear Miss Tita? Do you mean you would have given them to me if you had found them?” I asked,cheap retro jordan, almost trembling.
She delayed to reply and I waited. Suddenly she broke out, “I don’t know what I would do — what I wouldn’t!”
“Would you look again — somewhere else?”
She had spoken with a strange unexpected emotion, and she went on in the same tone: “I can’t — I can’t — while she lies there. It isn’t decent.”
“No, it isn’t decent,” I replied gravely. “Let the poor lady rest in peace.” And the words, on my lips,fake chanel bags, were not hypocritical, for I felt reprimanded and shamed.
Miss Tita added in a moment, as if she had guessed this and were sorry for me, but at the same time wished to explain that I did drive her on or at least did insist too much: “I can’t deceive her that way. I can’t deceive her — perhaps on her deathbed.”
“Heaven forbid I should ask you, though I have been guilty myself!”
“You have been guilty?”
“I have sailed under false colors.” I felt now as if I must tell her that I had given her an invented name, on account of my fear that her aunt would have heard of me and would refuse to take me in. I explained this and also that I had really been a party to the letter written to them by John Cumnor months before.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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Mr. Dennis said, his brother must settle that part of the business, and that they must carry them up to the castle; “but first give me the possession.”
Then, as he instructed her, she gave up the key of the door to him, and a bit of the thatch of the house; and he raked out the fire, and said every living creature must go out. “It’s only form of law,” said he.
“And must my lodger get up, and turn out, sir?” said she.
“He must turn out, to be sure — not a living soul must he left in it, or it’s no legal possession, properly. Who is your lodger?”
On Lord Colambre’s appearing, Mr. Dennis showed some surprise, and said, “I thought you were lodging at Brannagan’s; are not you the man who spoke to me at his house about the gold mines?”
“No, sir, he never lodged at Brannagan’s,chanel wallet,” said the widow.
“Yes, sir, I am the person who spoke to you about the gold mines at Brannagan’s; but I did not like to lodge —”
“Well, no matter where you liked to lodge; you must walk out of this lodging now,chanel bags cheap, if you please, my good friend.”
So Mr. Dennis pushed his lordship out by the shoulders, repeating, as the widow turned back, and looked with some surprise and alarm, “only for form sake, only for form sake!” then locking the door, took the key, and put it into his pocket. The widow held out her hand for it: “The form’s gone through now, sir; is not it? Be plased to let us in again.”
“When the new lease is signed, I’ll give you possession again; but not till then — for that’s the law. So make away with you to the castle; and mind,” added he, winking slily, “mind you take sealing-money with you, and something to buy gloves.”
“Oh, where will I find all that?” said the widow.
“I have it, mother; don’t fret,” said Grace. “I have it — the price of — what I can want10. So let us go off to the castle without delay,moncler clerance. Brian will meet us on the road, you know.”
10 What I can do without.]
They set off for Clonbrony Castle, Lord Colambre accompanying them. Brian met them on the road. “Father Tom is ready, dear mother; bring her in, and he’ll marry us. I’m not my own man till she’s mine. Who knows what may happen?”
“Who knows? that’s true,” said the widow.
“Better go to the castle first,” said Grace.
“And keep the priest waiting! You can’t use his reverence so,” said Brian.
So she let him lead her into the priest’s house, and she did not make any of the awkward draggings back, or ridiculous scenes of grimace sometimes exhibited on these occasions; but blushing rosy red, yet with more self-possession than could have been expected from her timid nature, she gave her hand to the man she loved, and listened with attentive devotion to the holy ceremony.
“Ah!” thought Lord Colambre, whilst he congratulated the bride, “shall I ever be as happy as these poor people are at this moment?” He longed to make them some little present, but all he could venture at this moment was to pay the priest’s dues.
The priest positively refused to take any thing.
“They are the best couple in my parish,” said he; “and I’ll take nothing, sir, from you, a stranger and my guest.”

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The boy answered with a laugh, “I did not want to sleep the rest of the night in wet pajamas,” which caused the woman-hater to flee!
Later in the day the rolling was frightful. I was sitting on deck when all at once the ship went down at one side like a wagon in a deep rut. I was thrown in my chair clear across the deck. A young man endeavored to come to my assistance just as the ship went the other way in a still deeper sea-rut. It flung me back again, and only by catching hold of an iron bar did I save my neck at least, for in another moment I would have been dashed through the skylight into the dining hall on the deck below.
As I caught the bar, I saw the man who had rushed to my assistance turned upside down and land on his face. I began to laugh, his position was so ludicrous. When I saw he made no move to get up, I ran to his side, still convulsed with laughter. I found his nose was bleeding profusely, but I was such an idiot that the sight of the blood only served to make the scene to me the more ridiculous. Helping him to a chair, I ran for the doctor and from laughing could hardly tell him what I wanted. The man’s nose was broken, and the doctor said he would be scarred for life. Even the others laughed when I described the accident, and, although I felt a great pity for the poor fellow, hurt as he was in my behalf, still an irresistible impulse to laugh would sweep over me every time I endeavored to express my appreciation of his attempt to assist me.
Our passengers were rather queer. I always enjoy the queerness of people. One day, when speaking about the boat, I said:
“Everything is such an improvement on the Victoria. The food is good, the passengers are refined,jordans for sale, the officers are polite and the ship is comfortable and pleasant.”
When I finished my complimentary remarks about the ship, a little bride who had been a source of interest to us looked up and said:
“Yes, everything is very nice; but the life preservers are not quite comfortable to sleep in.”
Shocked amazement spread over the countenances of all the passengers,chanel 2.55 bags, and then in one grand shout that dining-room resounded with laughter. The bride said that ever since they left home on their bridal tour they had been sleeping in the life preservers. They thought it was the thing to do on board a ship.
But I never knew how queer our passengers were until we reached Hong Kong, which we did two days ahead of time, although we had the monsoon against us. When we landed, a man sued the company for getting him in ahead of time. He said he bought his tickets to cover a certain length of time, and if the company got him in before it expired they were responsible for his expenses, and they had to pay his hotel bill.
The captain asked a minister who was on board to read the service one Sunday. He did so, and when he reached Hong Kong he put in a bill for two pounds,cheap chanel bags! He said he was enjoying a vacation and did not propose to work during that time unless he was paid for it! The company paid, but warned the officers not to let ministers read the service thereafter until they knew their price.

Nike Shox Torch 2 It would be a hopeless thing for a man to go to Hong Kong in search of employment

It would be a hopeless thing for a man to go to Hong Kong in search of employment. The banking and shipping houses, controlled by Europeans, certainly employ numbers of men, but they are brought from England under three and five years’ contracts. When a vacancy occurs from a death, or a transfer, the business house immediately consults its representatives in London, where another man signs an agreement, and comes out to Hong Kong to work.
One day I went up to Victoria Peak, named in honor of the Queen. It is said to be 1,800 feet high, the highest point on the island. An elevated tramway is built from the town to Victoria Gap, 1,100 feet above the sea. It was opened in 1887. Before that time people were carried up in sedans.
The first year after its completion 148,344 passengers were carried up the mountain side. The fare is thirty cents up and fifteen cents down. During the summer months Hong Kong is so hot that those who are in a position to do so seek the mountain top, where a breeze lives all the year round. Level places for buildings are obtained by blasting, and every brick, stone, and bit of household furniture is carried by coolies from the town up to the height of 1,600 feet.
At the Gap we secured sedan chairs, and were carried to the Hotel Craigiburn, which is managed by a colored man. The hotel-Oriental in style-is very liberally patronized by the citizens of Hong Kong, as well as visitors. After the proprietor had shown us over the hotel and given us a dinner that could not be surpassed we were carried to Victoria Peak. It required three men to a chair ascending the peak. At the Umbrella Seat, merely a bench with a peaked roof, everybody stops long enough to allow the coolies to rest, then we continue on our way, passing sight-seers and nurses with children. After a while they stop again, and we travel on foot to the signal station.
The view is superb. The bay, in a breastwork of mountains, lies calm and serene, dotted with hundreds of ships that seem like tiny toys. The palatial white houses come half way up the mountain side, beginning at the edge of the glassy bay. Every house we notice has a tennis-court blasted out of the mountain side. They say that after night the view from the peak is unsurpassed. One seems to be suspended between two heavens. Every one of the several thousand boats and sampans carries a light after dark. This, with the lights on the roads and in the houses, seems to be a sky more filled with stars than the one above.
Early one morning a gentleman, who was the proud possessor of a team of ponies, the finest in Hong Kong, called at the hotel to take me for a drive. In a low, easy phaeton behind the spirited ponies that seem like playthings in their smallness but giants in their strength, we whirled along through the town and were soon on the road edging the bay. We had a good view of the beautiful dry dock on the other side, which is constructed entirely of granite and is said to be of such size that it can take in the largest vessels afloat. I thought there were other things more interesting, so I refused to go over to it.

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"No," he repeated, "no! How is it possible that anything which could have escaped my researches, should be revealed to those of Simon Ford. However, the old overman must well know that such a discovery would be the one thing in the world to interest me, and this invitation, which I must keep secret, to repair to the Dochart pit!" James Starr always came back to that.
On the other hand, the engineer knew Ford to be a clever miner, peculiarly endowed with the instinct of his trade. He had not seen him since the time when the Aberfoyle colliery was abandoned, and did not know either what he was doing or where he was living, with his wife and his son. All that he now knew was, that a rendezvous had been appointed him at the Yarrow shaft, and that Harry, Simon Ford's son, was to wait for him during the whole of the next day at the Callander station.

"I shall go, I shall go!" said Starr, his excitement increasing as the time drew near.
Our worthy engineer belonged to that class of men whose brain is always on the boil, like a kettle on a hot fire. In some of these brain kettles the ideas bubble over, in others they just simmer quietly. Now on this day, James Starr's ideas were boiling fast.
But suddenly an unexpected incident occurred. This was the drop of cold water, which in a moment was to condense all the vapors of the brain. About six in the evening, by the third post, Starr's servant brought him a second letter. This letter was enclosed in a coarse envelope, and evidently directed by a hand unaccustomed to the use of a pen. James Starr tore it open. It contained only a scrap of paper, yellowed by time, and apparently torn out of an old copy book.
On this paper was written a single sentence, thus worded:
"It is useless for the engineer James Starr to trouble himself, Simon Ford's letter being now without object."
No signature.
Chapter 2 On The Road
THE course of James Starr's ideas was abruptly stopped, when he got this second letter contradicting the first.
"What does this mean?" said he to himself. He took up the torn envelope, and examined it. Like the other, it bore the Aberfoyle postmark. It had therefore come from the same part of the county of Stirling. The old miner had evidently not written it. But, no less evidently, the author of this second letter knew the overman's secret, since it expressly contradicted the invitation to the engineer to go to the Yarrow shaft.
Was it really true that the first communication was now without object? Did someone wish to prevent James Starr from troubling himself either uselessly or otherwise? Might there not be rather a malevolent intention to thwart Ford's plans?
This was the conclusion at which James Starr arrived, after mature reflection. The contradiction which existed between the two letters only wrought in him a more keen desire to visit the Dochart pit. And besides, if after all it was a hoax, it was well worth while to prove it. Starr also thought it wiser to give more credence to the first letter than to the second; that is to say, to the request of such a man as Simon Ford, rather than to the warning of his anonymous contradictor.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Alexander took her two hands from his shoulders and swung them back and forth in his own, laughing his big blond laugh.
“I’m growing older, my dear,replica chanel handbags; that’s what you feel. Now, may I show you something? I meant to save them until tomorrow, but I want you to wear them to-night.” He took a little leather box out of his pocket and opened it. On the white velvet lay two long pendants of curiously worked gold, set with pearls. Winifred looked from the box to Bartley and exclaimed:—
“Where did you ever find such gold work, Bartley?”
“It’s old Flemish. Isn’t it fine?”
“They are the most beautiful things, dear. But, you know, I never wear earrings.”
“Yes, yes, I know. But I want you to wear them. I have always wanted you to. So few women can. There must be a good ear, to begin with, and a nose” — he waved his hand — “above reproach. Most women look silly in them. They go only with faces like yours — very, very proud, and just a little hard.”
Winifred laughed as she went over to the mirror and fitted the delicate springs to the lobes of her ears. “Oh,moncler womens jackets, Bartley, that old foolishness about my being hard. It really hurts my feelings. But I must go down now. People are beginning to come.”
Bartley drew her arm about his neck and went to the door with her. “Not hard to me, Winifred,” he whispered. “Never, never hard to me.”
Left alone, he paced up and down his study. He was at home again, among all the dear familiar things that spoke to him of so many happy years. His house to-night would be full of charming people, who liked and admired him. Yet all the time, underneath his pleasure and hopefulness and satisfaction, he was conscious of the vibration of an unnatural excitement. Amid this light and warmth and friendliness, he sometimes started and shuddered,chanel bags cheap, as if some one had stepped on his grave. Something had broken loose in him of which he knew nothing except that it was sullen and powerful, and that it wrung and tortured him. Sometimes it came upon him softly, in enervating reveries. Sometimes it battered him like the cannon rolling in the hold of the vessel. Always, now, it brought with it a sense of quickened life, of stimulating danger. To-night it came upon him suddenly, as he was walking the floor, after his wife left him. It seemed impossible; he could not believe it. He glanced entreatingly at the door, as if to call her back. He heard voices in the hall below, and knew that he must go down. Going over to the window, he looked out at the lights across the river. How could this happen here, in his own house, among the things he loved? What was it that reached in out of the darkness and thrilled him? As he stood there he had a feeling that he would never escape. He shut his eyes and pressed his forehead against the cold window glass, breathing in the chill that came through it. “That this,” he groaned, “that this should have happened to ME!”
On New Year’s day a thaw set in, and during the night torrents of rain fell. In the morning, the morning of Alexander’s departure for England, the river was streaked with fog and the rain drove hard against the windows of the breakfast-room. Alexander had finished his coffee and was pacing up and down. His wife sat at the table, watching him. She was pale and unnaturally calm. When Thomas brought the letters, Bartley sank into his chair and ran them over rapidly.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Reaching Your Target Audience When Email Marketing

In theory email marketing is not any different than other types of marketing. This means the basic principles of marketing apply to your email marketing efforts as well. One of these most important principles is the importance of reaching your target audience. The ability to reach your target audience and convince them to make a purchase cannot be underestimated. This article will provide some insight into how Internet marketers can effectively reach their target audience,cheap chanel bags.

The simplest way to reach your target audience is to allow existing customers as well as potential customers to register on your website and decide whether or not they want to receive emails with additional information and advertisements. When the users register they should be required to enter an email address,chanel wallet. This registration process will allow you to compile a list of email addresses from each potential customer who expressed an interest in receiving additional information. Sending your email marketing materials to the members of this distribution list is much more effective than sending out a mass email to recipients whose email addresses you purchased. This is because the group of email addresses you compiled all have an interest in the products or services you offer while there is no information on the other set of email addresses to indicate whether or not the members will even have an interest in the products or services you offer.

Another tip for reaching your target audience is to do adequate research to determine how to communicate with the members of your target audience. This may include changing the language of your emails to suit the preferences of your target audience members,chanel classic bags, designing the layout and colors of the email to be appealing to the target audience and tailoring the emails to include content which is of interest to the members of the target audience. This type of research can really pay off because it will make your emails significantly more effective.

Still another tip for reaching your target audience when email marketing is to keep your message simple. Being subtle is important so your email does not seem like a blatant sales pitch but it is also important to present your message in a clear and concise manner which will be easily understood by the members of your target audience. If you have any doubts your target audience will be able to understand your message, you can certainly leave information for the email recipients to contact you with your questions. This interaction can prove to be extremely useful. Through these communications you can learn about the needs of your target audience and how you can tailor your email marketing strategy to meet these needs.

Finally, it is important to solicit feedback from the members of your target audience to ensure you are meeting their needs with your email marketing campaign. This should be done on a continual basis as the needs of your target audience may change over time. When you solicit feedback from your target audience you should be sure to ask specific questions which require answers which can be interpreted easily. This is important because ability to interpret these answers will greatly impact your ability to further refine your email marketing efforts to conform to the expectations of your target audience members.

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"No, my child," said James Starr, "tell us everything that comes to your mind."

"My grandfather," continued Nell, "always regarded your abode in the mine with a very evil eye--not that there was any lack of space. His chosen refuge was far--very far from you. But he could not bear to feel that you were there. If I asked any questions about the people up above us, his face grew dark, he gave no answer, and continued quite silent for a long time afterwards. But when he perceived that, not content with the old domain, you seemed to think of encroaching upon his, then indeed his anger burst forth. He swore that, were you to succeed in reaching the new mine, you should assuredly perish. Notwithstanding his great age, his strength is astonishing, and his threats used to make me tremble."
"Go on, Nell, my child," said Simon to the girl, who paused as though to collect her thoughts.
"On the occasion of your first attempt," resumed Nell, "as soon as my grandfather saw that you were fairly inside the gallery leading to New Aberfoyle, he stopped up the opening, and turned it into a prison for you. I only knew you as shadows dimly seen in the gloom of the pit, but I could not endure the idea that you would die of hunger in these horrid places; and so, at the risk of being detected, I succeeded in obtaining bread and water for you during some days. I should have liked to help you to escape, but it was so difficult to avoid the vigilance of my grandfather. You were about to die. Then arrived Jack Ryan and the others. By the providence of God I met with them, and instantly guided them to where you were. When my grandfather discovered what I had done, his rage against me was terrible. I expected death at his hands. After that my life became insupportable to me. My grandfather completely lost his senses. He proclaimed himself King of Darkness and Flame; and when he heard your tools at work on coal-beds which he considered entirely his own, he became furious and beat me cruelly. I would have fled from him, but it was impossible, so narrowly did he watch me. At last, in a fit of ungovernable fury, he threw me down into the abyss where you found me, and disappeared, vainly calling on Harfang, which faithfully stayed by me, to follow him. I know not how long I remained there, but I felt I was at the point of death when you, my Harry, came and saved me. But now you all see that the grandchild of old Silfax can never be the wife of Harry Ford, because it would be certain death to you all!"
"Nell!" cried Harry.
"No," continued the maiden, "my resolution is taken. By one means only can your ruin be averted; I must return to my grandfather. He threatens to destroy the whole of New Aberfoyle. His is a soul incapable of mercy or forgiveness, and no mortal can say to what horrid deed the spirit of revenge will lead him. My duty is clear; I should be the most despicable creature on earth did I hesitate to perform it. Farewell! I thank you all heartily. You only have taught me what happiness is. Whatever may befall, believe that my whole heart remains with you."

LV Outlet After we had finished our breakfast we were compelled to remain where we were until the tr

After we had finished our breakfast we were compelled to remain where we were until the train arrived at some station. Then the dining-car was unlocked and we returned to the other car, being again locked in until the end of our journey. The road to Kandy is spoken of as being very beautiful. It winds up the mountain side and is rather pretty, but nothing wonderful in that respect. It is a tropical land, but the foliage and flowers are very ordinary. About the prettiest things to be seen are the rice beds. They are built in terraces, and when one looks down into the deep valley, seeing terrace after terrace of the softest, lightest green, one is forced to cry: “How beautiful!”
Arriving at Kandy at last, we hired a carriage and went to see the lake, the public library and the temples. In one old temple, surrounded by a moat, we saw several altars, of little consequence, and a bit of ivory which they told us was the tooth of Buddha. Kandy is pretty, but far from what it is claimed to be. They said it was cool, but we found it so hot that we thought with regret of Colombo. Disgusted with all we found worth seeing we drove to Parathenia to see the great botanical garden. It well repaid us for the visit. That evening we returned to Colombo. I was tired and hungry and the extreme heat had given me a sick headache. On the way down, the Spanish gentlemen endeavored to keep our falling spirits up, but every word he said only helped to increase my bad temper, much to the amusement of the Irish boy. He was very polite and kind, the Spaniard, I mean, but he had an unhappy way of flatly contradicting one, that, to say the least, was very exasperating. It was to me, but it only made the Irish boy laugh. When we were going down the mountain side the Spaniard got up, and standing, put his head through the open window in the door to get a view of the country.
“We are going over,” he said, with positive conviction, turning around to us. I was leaning up in a corner trying to sleep and the Irish boy, with his feet braced against the end of the compartment, was trying to do the same.
“We won’t go over,” I managed to say, while the Irish boy smiled.
“Yes, we will,” the Spaniard shouted back, “Make your prayers!”
The Irish boy screamed with laughter, and I forgot my sickness as I held my sides and laughed. It was a little thing, but it is often little things that raise the loudest laughs. After that all I needed to say to upset the dignity of the Irish boy was: “Make your prayers!”
I went to bed that night too ill to eat my dinner. The next morning I had intended to go to the pearl market, but felt unequal to it, and when my acquaintances returned and told me that at the very end of the sale a man bought some left over oysters for one rupee and found in them five hundred dollars worth of pearls, I felt sorry that I had not gone, although there was great danger of getting cholera.
One day I heard a man ask another if he knew the meaning of the word “jinricksha.” the first replied the word meant “Draw man power,” and the second said, with innocent surprise, “I thought it was ‘Pull man car!’” I heard a passenger who came ashore from an Australian boat ask Andrew, a clever native who stands at the hotel door, to get him one of those carts to take a ride. Andrew did not know just what the man wanted as there were many different kinds of carts about.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

louis vuitoon Again she paused — the wild triumph of the fanatic on the burning pile was flashing i

Again she paused — the wild triumph of the fanatic on the burning pile was flashing in her face — suddenly her eyes fell once more upon the stained helmet-crest; then her expression changed again to despair, and her voice grew low and moaning, when she thus resumed:—
‘I am weary of my life; when the vengeance is done I shall be delivered from this prison of the earth — in the world of shadows I shall see my husband, and my little ones will gather round my knees again. The living have no part in me; I yearn towards the spirits who wander in the halls of the dead.’
For a few minutes more she continued to fix her tearless eyes on the helmet-crest. But soon the influence of the evil spirit revived in all its strength; she raised her head suddenly, remained for an instant absorbed in deep thought, then began to retrace her steps rapidly in the direction by which she had come.
Sometimes she whispered softly, ‘I must be doing ere the time fail me: my face must be hidden and my garments changed. Yonder, among the houses, I must search, and search quickly!’ Sometimes she reiterated her denunciations of vengeance, her ejaculations of triumph in her frantic project. At the recapitulation of these the remembrance of Antonina was aroused; and then a bloodthirsty superstition darkened her thoughts, and threw a vague and dreamy character over her speech.
When she spoke now, it was to murmur to herself that the victim who had twice escaped her might yet be alive; that the supernatural influences which had often guided the old Goths, on the day of retribution, might still guide her; might still direct the stroke of her destroying weapon — the last stroke ere she was discovered and slain — straight to the girl’s heart.
Thoughts such as these — wandering and obscure — arose in close, quick succession within her; but whether she gave them expression in word and action, or whether she suppressed them in silence, she never wavered or halted in her rapid progress. Her energies were braced to all emergencies, and her strong will suffered them not for an instant to relax.
She gained a retired street in the deserted suburbs, and looking round to see that she was unobserved, entered on of the houses abandoned by its inhabitants on the approach of the besiegers. Passing quickly through the outer halls, she stopped at length in one of the sleeping apartments; and here she found, among other possessions left behind in the flight, the store of wearing apparel belonging to the owner of the room.
From this she selected a Roman robe, upper mantle, and sandals — the most common in colour and texture that she could find — and folding them up into the smallest compass, hid them under her own garments. Then, avoiding all those whom she met on her way, she returned in the direction of the king’s tent; but when she approached it, branched off stealthily towards Rome, until she reached a ruined building half-way between the city and the camp. In this concealment she clothed herself in her disguise, drawing the mantle closely round her head and face; and from this point — calm, vigilant, determined, her hand on the knife beneath her robe, her lips muttering the names of her murdered husband and children — she watched the high-road to the Pincian Gate.

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Using Affiliate Marketing To Promote Your Business

Even if you are already using the Internet to market your business, you should consider adding affiliate marketing to you Internet marketing campaign. Affiliate marketing, when done right, can yield a great deal of positive results for your business. Furthermore,chanel wallet, even when affiliate marketing is not done right, it will not likely be financially detrimental to the business. This is because affiliate marketing is essentially an advertising program in which you only pay the affiliates when their marketing efforts yield financial results for your business. This article will take a look at affiliate marketing and explain how it works and how you can maximize the benefits of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing essentially involves having website owners, known as affiliates, post advertisements for your website on their own website. You can lear more about affiliate marketig by checking out the Internet marketing blog at www.jeremyburns.com for weekly updates. Affiliate advertisements encourage visitors to click on the link and visit your website. The advertisements are specially coded to allow you to determine how many visitors enter your website through this advertisement. Unlike other types of Internet advertising where the business owner pays for the opportunity to place the advertisement on the website, an affiliate program does not work this way. Instead the affiliate is paid when the advertisement yields a desired result.

Affiliate advertisement can work on a pay per impression, pay per click, pay per lead or pay per sale basis,replica chanel handbags. Pay per impression means the affiliate earns a profit each time the affiliate advertisement is served. This means for each unique visitor who views the advertisement the affiliate is given a predetermined amount of money. This amount will depend on a number of factors and will be agreed upon by the business owner and the affiliate before the advertisements begin appearing on the affiliate�s website. Pay per click programs reward the affiliate each time a visit clicks through the advertisement. Pay per lead programs reward the affiliate when a visitor not only clicks on the advertisement but also performs a desired action such as filling out a survey or registering with the website. Pay per sale programs reward the affiliate each time a visitor clicks through the advertisement on the affiliate�s website and also makes a purchase during this visit. The compensation plans associated with affiliate programs are so desirable because the business owner can have a number of affiliates and they only have to pay these affiliates if the advertising on the affiliate�s website is effective.

Affiliate marketing does not always work. When seeking out affiliates it is important to look for a number of different factors. An affiliate with a great deal of experience, a website with high traffic and a proven track record for producing positive results will likely be a good choice for an affiliate marketing program. These affiliates rely on their advertising knowledge to promote the businesses and do not necessarily have to understand the business they are promoting. Another excellent choice for affiliate marketing is to select another business that is closely related to your own business but does not compete with your business. This is a good idea because they may share your target audience and their website visitors will also likely be interested in visiting your website as well. For example if you sell running shoes you may wish to run an affiliate marketing campaign on a website that promotes road races such as marathons, half marathons, 10Ks and 5Ks. This website does not directly compete with your business but they are likely to attract an audience that would be interested in and have a need for your products or services.

Deciding whether or not to implement an affiliate marketing campaign is easy. As we previously mentioned there is very little risk in this type of campaign so it is worthwhile in just about any situation. A more important decision to make is how you plan to compensate your affiliates. The compensation for pay per impression programs is typically pretty low because your business is not necessarily generating a sale from each impression. Conversely, pay per sale programs usually compensates the affiliate better because the business does directly generate a profit from the advertising on the affiliate�s website. This amount may a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the affiliate agreement.


Word count 711

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Here one or two females still knelt before the saints which the walls and niches presented for adoration; but the rest of the terrified suppliants, too anxious to prolong their devotions, had dispersed through the castle to learn tidings of their friends, and to obtain some refreshment, or at least some place of repose for themselves and their families.
Bowing her head, and muttering an ave to each saint as she passed his image, (for impending danger makes men observant of the rites of devotion,) the Lady Eveline had almost reached the door of the chapel, when a man-at-arms, as he seemed, entered hastily; and, with a louder voice than suited the holy place, unless when need was most urgent, demanded the Lady Eveline. Impressed with the feelings of veneration which the late scene had produced, she was about to rebuke his military rudeness, when he spoke again, and in anxious haste, “Daughter, we are betrayed!” and though the form, and the coat-of-mail which covered it, were those of a soldier, the voice was that of Father Aldrovand, who, eager and anxious at the same time, disengaged himself from the mail hood, and showed his countenance.
“Father,” she said, “what means this? Have you forgotten the confidence in Heaven which you are wont to recommend, that you bear other arms than your order assigns to you?”
“It may come to that ere long,” said Father Aldrovand; “for I was a soldier ere I was a monk. But now I have donn’d this harness to discover treachery, not to resist force. Ah! my beloved daughter — we are dreadfully beset — foemen without — traitors within!— The false Fleming, Wilkin Flammock, is treating for the surrender of the castle!”
“Who dares say so?” said a veiled female, who had been kneeling unnoticed in a sequestered corner of the chapel, but who now started up and came boldly betwixt Lady Eveline and the monk.
“Go hence, thou saucy minion,” said the monk, surprised at this bold interruption; “this concerns not thee.”
“But it doth concern me,” said the damsel, throwing back her veil, and discovering the juvenile countenance of Rose, the daughter of Wilkin Flammock, her eyes sparkling, and her cheeks blushing with anger, the vehemence of which made a singular contrast with the very fair complexion, and almost infantine features of the speaker, whose whole form and figure was that of a girl who has scarce emerged from childhood, and indeed whose general manners were as gentle and bashful as they now seemed bold, impassioned, and undaunted.—“Doth it not concern me,” she said, “that my father’s honest name should be tainted with treason? Doth it not concern the stream when the fountain is troubled? It doth concern me, and I will know the author of the calumny.”
“Damsel,” said Eveline, “restrain thy useless passion; the good father, though he cannot intentionally calumniate thy father, speaks, it may be, from false report.”
“As I am an unworthy priest,” said the father, “I speak from the report of my own ears. Upon the oath of my order, myself heard this Wilkin Flammock chaffering with the Welshman for the surrender of the Garde Doloureuse. By help of this hauberk and mail hood, I gained admittance to a conference where he thought there were no English ears. They spoke Flemish too, but I knew the jargon of old.”

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There are many types of tarot decks available and it may confuse the novice. Understanding the different types of tarot decks helps to get a clearer picture when the reader connects to the subconscious through the cards. The largest variety of tarot card decks is available online at the website of tarot Aeclectic from Australia maintained by the webmaster Solandia. The reason why tarot card decks come in many forms of artistry is because the conscious and the subconscious readily relate only to images. In their role as the connection between the conscious and the subconscious each tarot reader sees different meanings and finds greater clarity in the images on the tarot deck. In short while one set of imagery may appeal to one reader the image may not give a clear reading to another.

The website of tarot Aeclectic gives a clear explanation about the imagery on the tarot deck and makes understanding the different types of tarot deck easy for the purchaser. They have a wide range of cards from ancient Egyptian styles to modern cards by modern artists reflecting modern themes such as gay tarot decks. Art is always based on appeal and art that one admires may not be to the taste of another beholder. This to some degree is true of the imagery on tarot cards. One reader will find clear meaning in one set of deck images while others will find the same pictures clouded in doubt.

Tarot Aeclectic features cards with art from different civilizations and the vast array of cards available on the site gives ample choice for the serious reader. There are cards with designs from ancient Egypt. There are two types of cards available, plain tarot cards and oracle cards. Cards that feature artwork of magical periods in history like the runes, the Arthurian period of England with its half pagan and half Christian imagery called the Glastonbury deck and Celtic imagery are available. Different civilizations are reflected in the art on tarot card decks. You can find Babylonian tarot cards and the ancient Chinese Feng Shui tarot cards. The difference between these tarot cards are that the suites come with different names. In the Feng Shui Tarot deck, the suites are the white tiger, green dragon, red phoenix and the black tortoise. There are also fairy and fantasy based tarot card decks and decks reflecting old religions like that of the nature based Wiccans. Cards which are country and region specific like Basque card decks are also available.

Tarot Aeclectic also features standard decks like the Marseilles deck, the Rider-Waite deck and the Aleister Crowley Thoth deck for those who practice divination and are able to interpret meanings through the imagery on the standard decks easily.

The variety of tarot cards available at the tarot Aeclectic website will give a serious professional a better understanding of the imagery that his or her subconscious relates to for a clear picture. It is only when the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious is clear without being foggy or with obstacles that an accurate tarot reading can be conducted.

Friday, October 19, 2012



Service is the opening gun of tennis. It is putting the ball in play. The old idea was that service should never be more than merely the beginning of a rally. With the rise of American tennis and the advent of Dwight Davis and Holcombe Ward, service took on a new significance. These two men originated what is now known as the American Twist delivery.

From a mere formality, service became a point winner. Slowly it gained in importance, until Maurice E. M'Loughlin, the wonderful "California Comet," burst across the tennis sky with the first of those terrific cannon-ball deliveries that revolutionized the game, and caused the old-school players to send out hurry calls for a severe footfault rule or some way of stopping the threatened destruction of all ground strokes. M'Loughlin made service a great factor in the game. It remained for R. N. Williams to supply the antidote that has again put service in the normal position of mere importance, not omnipotence. Williams stood in on the delivery and took it on the rising bound.

Service must be speedy. Yet speed is not the be-all and end-all. Service must be accurate, reliable, and varied. It must be used with discretion and served with brains.

Any tall player has an advantage over a short one, in service. Given a man about 6 feet and allow him the 3 feet added by his reach, it has been proved by tests that should he deliver a service, perfectly flat, with no variation caused by twist or wind, that just cleared the net at its lowest point (3 feet in the centre), there is only a margin of 8 inches of the service court in which the ball can possibly fall; the remainder is below the net angle. Thus it is easy to see how important it is to use some form of twist to bring the ball into court. Not only must it go into court, but it must be sufficiently speedy that the receiver does not have an opportunity of an easy kill. It must also be placed so as to allow the server an advantage for his next return, admitting the receiver puts the ball in play.

Just as the first law of receiving is to, put the ball in play, so of service it is to cause the receiver to fall into error. Do not strive unduly for clean aces, but use your service to upset the ground strokes of your opponent.

Service should be hit from as high a point as the server can COMFORTABLY reach. To stretch unnecessarily is both wearing on the server and unproductive of results. Varied pace and varied speed is the keynote to a good service.

The slice service should be hit from a point above the right shoulder and as high as possible. The server should stand at about a forty-five degree angle to the baseline, with both feet firmly planted on the ground. Drop the weight back on the right foot and swing the racquet freely and easily behind the back. Toss the ball high enough into the air to ensure it passing through the desired hitting plane, and then start a slow shift of the weight forward, at the same time increasing the power of the swing forward as the racquet commences its upward flight to the ball. Just as the ball meets the racquet face the weight should be thrown forward and the full power of the swing smashed into the service. Let the ball strike the racquet INSIDE the face of the strings, with the racquet travelling directly towards the court. The angle of the racquet face will impart the twist necessary to bring the ball in court. The wrist should be somewhat flexible in service. If necessary lift the right foot and swing the whole body forward with the arm. Twist slightly to the right, using the left foot as a pivot. The general line of the racquet swing is from RIGHT to LEFT and always forward.

At this point and before I take up the other branches of serving, let me put in a warning against footfaulting. I can only say that a footfault is crossing or touching the line with either foot before the ball is delivered, or it is a jump or step. I am not going into a technical discussion of footfaults. It is unnecessary, and by placing your feet firmly before the service there is no need to footfault.

It is just as unfair to deliberately footfault as to miscall a ball, and it is wholly unnecessary. The average footfault is due to carelessness, over-anxiety, or ignorance of the rule. All players are offenders at times, but it can quickly be broken up.

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Coin Collecting 101: What Type of Coin Should You Collect?

Coin collecting is a fun hobby to start and the thrill of hunting for old coins is enough for many people to continue doing it. Other people consider coin collecting an investment, something they can receive a profit from. If you are one of those people, then you can find several types of coins in this article that will help you determine what others are looking for.

Most coin collectors will look for only a specific kind of coin that will make their collection more valuable and interesting to buyers. Others are collecting for sentimentality and are looking more at the coin’s uniqueness.

Series collectors are those looking for a series of coins that mark every year and every design change made in that coin.

Type collectors are those people who are looking to get one of each coin where there were/are changes made.

Ancient coin collectors are those people looking for coins spanning the years 650 BC – 450 AD. This is the time when coins were invented and there were silver, gold and bronze versions made. It also marks the time when Roman emperors were the rulers and most of them feature famous Roman emperors, Roman towns, or gods.

Token collectors are those who are looking for different kinds of tokens that were used in exchange for real money when there was a lack of coins. These tokens were used as local currency even if the government had not given permission for them to be used.

Coins are also graded. A coin’s grading depends on its condition and the price of the coin will rely heavily on that grade. It is important for a coin collector to know how to grade a coin to make sure that he is not swindled by individuals looking for a quick profit.

“Uncirculated” coins are those coins that are not showing any wear and tear or to referred to as “in mint condition”. A mint state (MS) grading depends on a coin’s luster, contact marks, hair lines and overall appeal. A coin can have a grade ranging from MS-60 (dull luster) to a flawless MS-70. Although MS-70 is considered unobtainable, a grade of MS-65 and higher will make a coin’s price shoot up.

Circulated coins are more forgiving, they do not take into consideration the amount of scratches and dirt a coin has gathered along the years. Grades for circulated coins will vary. AU (about “uncirculated”), EF (extremely fine), VF (very fine), F (fine), VG (very good), G (good), AG (about good), F-2 (fair) and P (poor) are used as indication of how much a coin is worth.

These grades are dependent on a circulated coin’s luster, visible wear, design elements and visibility of letters and numerals. Unlike “uncirculated” coin’s grades, these grades do not dramatically lower a coin’s value. This is wonderful for people who are looking just to complete a collection and do not care about a coin’s mint condition.

Pricing of a coin will usually be determined by a coin’s supply and demand. Very low supply and very high demand will make a coin’s price higher; however, high supplies of the coins will depreciate a coin’s value.

Demand is usually established by coin dealers where they take into consideration the number of people wanting to buy or sell the coins. Once a coin becomes difficult to find, coin dealers will usually make its price higher so that people are inclined to sell extra copies of their coins.

Grading and pricing a coin usually takes a lot of experience to master. Although there are several tips and guidelines to look for in grading a coin, only professional dealers have the final say on how much a coin is worth. It does not hurt to know this grading is done and why your coin was graded differently from what you thought.

Coin collecting is not really about investment, it should be a fun and thrilling hobby. While the overall goal of a coin collector is to complete a set of coins, learning what to look for in a coin is important to make sure that no one can take advantage of your need to complete a particular set.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Get Free Money from College Scholarship, Apply Now

When you hear the word scholarship, what usually comes in to your mind? Many answers would be 'education'. Education is indeed vital. Through education, you are able to discover things that you never imagined possible for you to learn. While many parents are struggling to give their children the best education, sometimes the costs that comes along with it discourages them especially if they can't afford the very high tuition fees.

When parents send their children to school,nike shox nz, they not only have to think of the tuition fees,fake uggs online store, but also of other school fees that need to be settled. They also have to consider the daily allowance of their children, their food, and many other things which require them to spend money. And this is probably the reason why many of them prefer to put an end to their child's education.

Putting an end to education at an early age without attending college is detrimental to your child. This sad fact is experienced by millions of children around the world whose parents are financially unstable. Not only are they stripped of their future career, but also they are stuck in that difficult situation all their life. Without proper education, they cannot fulfill their dreams.

Scholarships awarded to qualified students are a great way to help financially incapable individuals. Aside from scholarships, grants are also given to some students who passed proposals and were able to find sponsors,fake watches wholesale. These two options attract many students to apply and get free money to help them go through their college life.

Different states fund different scholarships. And within the state, there are private institutions, employers, educational institutions, and professional associations which help in funding grants and scholarships.

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must pass the following requirements:

- academic performance
- financial need
- athletic achievement
- minority status
- religious affiliation
- community affiliation
- heritage
- set of unique criteria of a particular organization that provides the fund

You have to start searching for that scholarship early, and you must be diligent and focused. Remember that every year, you need to make an application for the scholarship.

If you're planning to go to college with a scholarship, you must familiarize yourself with the different requirements, how to go about your scholarship application, avoid scholarship scams, get a good help with scholarship essays, and see featured scholarship programs especially on the net.

You have to be honest when you're searching or applying for a college scholarship. You should also be organized and be able to follow certain instructions properly and carefully. Before submitting your application, you must first proofread,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplica1.com/. You must have your own copy of the papers that you've sent, and be sure to send it through registered mail.

If you follow these things, you will find yourself a scholarship in no time at all. As mentioned earlier, you should stay away from any possible scholarship scam that might come your way. If a certain individual offers you hard to resist applications but you're doubtful all the while, then trust your instincts and avoid them.

So, if you want free money, apply now for a college scholarship. It's your ticket to earning a degree in college. Your parents will be most proud if you are able to pursue your studies independently.


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瘈ꖄ劣撠廇﹏䓵ꭇ鮍査鋶⨭튓矝⽛撵ꑭ�ᱢ聵몚鴪杌텾歍욦蹋掏骝︗ﰸ㼷匟ᷩ몳ﮰẋ�躕췑찇໗瀭䗤罸뷜촸啉ᄟṿꕶ櫆鞌⥒Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀蒤㰆퓑Дܕل钯ꢴ›紴觃毞孹歩낇⺊刵鍑䶋赮띗㝙笗⑟ꑏ䓢憵俸ﯝᡖ㊮東�붟㝪ﴭ驺灯퓶粘듌墡䍯㺋뚧⯥ힶꢉ궹䭳⩜૗ꔊḺꊌꢤ曶禵蝻畄嘃ᘟஞ럒䨾욧捥圻縜䋏桋쳮폞�飓洯ﺉ녗㫚ᬹ췁넊虊똫햔�ﻭ쟪嚜돬飾뛫⸘鵡릮鎳储붴킬춽㖞㧜䞓㢷첻兌跬郡嫃ꐱ읚火‮①㊚鼷ܠ⮐믏旝ァ␀䔚皗续ﭕ岆랛�텴顋踂킑๰豣ꝧ꒭濰赖䘋甯禵㋒棪鮍呲鿙룳�责㊹쒭랶驑ꈻ繅㜗㲘ᔏ⾛箻㠗麌��뺷綳�蟲뫝潹埰ⅽ캑觉㰰䦠⁓뛮퇱陬镪皟옚ﶕ쉾姉殬鏶箬떕껣�믭若濜ꄙ㡽ʖ�絥⚋砏窷⭼瓱ӽ䴣찞ⳝ᯳罟ꛬ훌첋爖뛘彈躗욗基䅵톡䗃彖ﹷ츽Sꨀ촴뙯יּⷬ쿍獮ឲ냤땑毸槇�鑠᱿Ụ�쪯⫮唶毨ﵭ䷟뢎畲㬣鞏񫑩䤫믦럚锞哅낹쐱ᬲߨⷡ൱ﲠ䵝ﹶ೫뢨ﳅ况䍫�䱘싚仐忐廩텱ெリ刀簼䡚杞ÿ噡ꖻἝ░국幑�댱旛�뿆돤妫洸��춝�맛ᛋ孊篂ꜿ㙆櫪쿯黬揎읢㗍燫䭹ᾩ랍鋩釡ꀋ䞎ㄚ풺ﴜ碪ꅳ�궷紈鋟�걧盷�⚷蘴쭜瀤ു㷾竤펶쫵㧗ǔ맑瞭蝋ꋝ痎㾸狈潺彇ꨃ鐮濨�繭䖗ԳᏞऱ酬冸룱ယᙇోﮍ᜜馃忡㷡㕿ﯴ⯉Ꝇⷛ飙맛㭹멧㋦ⳤ祝ﰋ꡸ꥨÿ⁶紨쫞侟ⴿ᷏�絍唿窂꛽릶㯚綂菹它炼૱퇺䘳ⷤ㿚胟퐟ﭯꤙ鏘珣뿶噆﫸��᮹銥ꈹ芝ᇫ誓珤ᱫ뮱岛ᰍ蔹㻤ÿ୻�꽛ᐯ࡙嗓濆魝松뎿놸蕽始䔎슁唿몤윷패鹞꾦뎴溓勪▷븥궇⩮켽箫�㟨ெ볒놑⭮脆๿쁛䙜ᴼ胸締粅㭜뾶�볜輟ﮣ芙軭꜒虎릿⧻꣛欷䒷矙硦涻玴滅姏ꦧ싒䜝軹㞤笟叮鞴�뿤ꩳ着忩퐷⻤⚨ꂫ償猻霋ྒྷ릛ц禖痜訦骠鸶億Í粎刈ﻋ犳⿭静熳䓫髼폗걏⋤嫥⬢�켮䡭�巯ブ�튟虬ޑ噩붵ਾ컜駇ꂚ溲앺쀯뎒됵쩙腻䳞ᛞ蜛휔ᷡ越�帺㲇爫鶆ꬮ슇ᝅ婡쟇᝖ׅퟣ綩⦌쨷䱆僟펝�ṃ⡊Ԟ쌅愠�罭돂㭬卓ꢍ寲ョᘀⱟ宅᪺㝧᱿圲酷峄摢짳ᠣ瓷층漭鱓ꁉ뷦煗좲孡䪏춘ᱨ茂镦⵭↑슌닥衲횱�䷈愺쾍ﳗ긠��맛׌ⳣ図堳쥜昛⦎壘᭝Ϊ庛ꀢ㦍軨渭ᝲ㽡풕海ఝ芍䡋佥勱蒋䟓�塱郃횉隖ᄷ悉榞ཉᕩ䡯꾍꫽�롷菛궦ښᅛ쎐깥᧱ᴸ遭邲燇㖂砄趴ᩁꨑꊄឫ熣╖薆霊⻱▴됮䤥㍱湭ᾝ�岅叡㹞虃頤룶팂祐᪪㠽㗉乔浭飙姛紑颌骰ꄉп᲍蜃몲⌞囯멚禌ᚸ⏲䯆䜟໬䱷�ᛮ㛙즊罂꞉࿱췝険⦯鿺鼋⻛㵣轵붉輫‴Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ĉ孀偻㜘吱Д䘖ꃚ胨狔忖蠖唎ㆿ媓ํ큶㴑螛튫琵홵쮿姱⇲啕㶺춞욕�妾㿾्뺵򌎑ς鹧璜ⴋ侍ੳ웫솿과㟢븐鴙씛팜ᝂ톜ㇶ喕�Ɬޭ䝛䟪憎晝瑴㳱鉃ꏹჸ孔顏횡࿻䷜膹龻먅襠ꯘ痧�၉㓧ཀྵ믐郓⍱΁░뵹ዛﯭ딴ଷ喋ﳠ펟ṳ降⓾൷�㚱⶙禅葯�濬迭ಥ㿌猔ᘺ궿檤뗚᳞弉�㧼컊晴﫠媵꥾玞밷饬戧↓ꨀ㘶鷤戄都៫킯븄䂝៲鹖쭝ᄦ狊狅員뻼冲骎힜먇᮰뤓๙峞읜衫㋊긼딉訍컥�捣쿜ㅒ涠챩뼯ᣮ笗҆㔮⇇빆幟쇫솔ꛫ㎴솻㯛�蹫洦䫃뇙閗༭㵠㹦芶ᱪ�꿤ﺝ�愯盜ⅲव땿⿩䴮儭틍ᠯ�륩塭莶놤七꒸䛤햀傧幖�늸錱摶᛫讷毰ᳶ拓栃䧭䛶췡򝫮錝瞒寎졙᧱벲춑ꍫꢏ틓몒帎沽꿜峹쉕︓ᕌ婴뭿텗雮탵榍↹㳜혍὏险쯃㬜ޛ긫獰銱肾晍ዷ䔇߃ᕉ䏣ᚥ꿷㲩홻ꊋ빾繽➦ꥅ汣⿷潤⌜㳙䃰裫淟슔ᱤ灡촱간䡿㕰�⼪豶�꺒乘譱꿑ए䴢딦㘰ﭔ扻鷙瞷涺걮爟럱駡耡좴�䯰활限伓쨏ꄇⰘ嚋থ⒭ꋰ俫侫ᅂ媚⬲뮸濣ᱢ㎷颳糶䎾쎘䧚㠰⊚ꉋ砼᪊竑錝웜⺖륥罻붵韗殊흸淓뜈娞휑�ⱷ掲盙췛꼜剴嚷⤾探춼ᴼ⑴렬螽ȳ黻봸攜垥龟䚃�퇺朩ở癰൶䷎疑⶜銅㦖㳳⡆⭀Պ睆공�皇ⵜ镖ﮣ䣽멪鐳깬䟽�軛훽඲鲥隺雭ꀭ㍼蘟㝖㊀轒霼矔퇎㙫菒鑴奾㽾杙渖㈵馻귟뮷週轃�旚틱餏논╇쎭꽈奋痪썑犨䗓敗㈆뢏᧧ꙴﶉἷ뫅嫥ܙ럪籱冔ÿ뙄䈷똶屩ᛷ䂺䫓묆鋃Ή뮑⟮머凕巬⤬更袍䛯쇼巜Ʒ�♮柦ᙏ찝쵥ּ매蟍懖汴焮ⴽ砠篕顙㊖㉂誧짼샚꒢뺞⹆營☷阛᧋띱�뷁㥚쎡⭞Ⲗ�仨븽픩檶埖뙷免矖�꭯�⍴꒩嘝⚅冝�壪ͳ峜뷺◎⻎쐥쒓睝�躑ᘴỉƆ净ꕆ৊琕咮ዯ橷赬뫍旮삶빘磺琀懍嘞킸휸䊕抔엞潗�饭앾斿酫濜ᶃ隌䍶灷诗宇如豣璗甂梥ꚾ寧減檩ÿꨓﵘ쌧熾ᶹ畱㸼貥웰雟献顺ꯣ颋蝽놂北�卾�쨝巋쏝౹領Ɡ牍㯧ⷔ껗뀆똞䔐䠜ꔙ寷浩힩㻶�ꆽ鞵賺枱嗶䭽棃鯗઻힓조█跰갌襫ጟ蹆뫪焑㳴鯬뻪ﴙ譛늉為뮶刱෯㆒狇㧆რᷠ鋥ԩ�䏠岃⤧꘮줈홪꯻쵪♳�鯸䙜䙂툻읨䋞ዞ쫚䙃뺢䝓萶᜕䈵᧕調��韤댩尮뿧睟鎏岏辈ㆊꋞ噺尋犸靑㤧詻零粼㹈�塹㘚즍ᝧ韒轰蠰֞댟黂깥滹뵗龛�絽焋䪮㺶杚展듗䚲�㕇타ྂਂ⓵쾨뎩㠵៕ᒚ孪룄闐쐻킺厹䲼█晼螣ꈰ䯕춭안師㸪꫐蝪ডⶩꬌꭋ宋ꑭ㍴ꗨⵡ屳船㘑冝雋㣣즸㍕皸뻳遌跅藜좱왨桟Ỗ꽃㾓롷ꐧ躏㷮嚆⯫읚꿃㯹剌⯇鄄㦸膇愋旳Ɉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ숃ᘐ攥ɂ茊΢쩚呚ဝ嘚ᱯ⏙ṻ뗚苀ግ摤똝⳷᯸ᆪ਀壣㔁༝Ĥ螯舅➜豎엺拾ᔶ䟇䇪䟷鱫啦プﺷ�酦嗃⊏᧝練㎣藜ᛑ�鸶劤柟守佭㺒㽟�栱ㆭ酐滆섭榊㝮焣퍦䏄頣侺ꋔ㓦먧꘤㿮晰튋ǹЩ衻䛕뜰唗휘ᓑ�尃쮔뢸㳜룷韸鈸鉕�훥憱鄍ᚙ㍣،漈拮誀餘�퀢륨俈ሖ桵䲢劖陛䧝灻電ꆷᦳ홟娝⍧涉詬㊯鯹蓘祗餋Ӣ丟ꑉ䥳ज땇屵捫슟媷원䦚珦㓝䫒翩⿕鱻佝反㮪ﰥ縻అ겍߸㡍䕓䰞媵咊䁋߶ꦻ矾뭸ﭓ魓갢쁃須㐸쭽馜樥Ծ⭝➕瓄䞥툑㮕�㮔퉁Ვ桏梇场అ놘᥹璁뉖඼歉缜璱勥泪罛鶵�鼶蠻峁�틏윘큐韴﹐꥚䤨召⩳ᷔ켤㭭뵝�孶┝媆꛾ꛇ훒릴꿎̰я�牨癙᳔꫓幇퉯㾮訑⦓랺氫ⷭ힛⑵陋퉘꽀ꭓ폌릂춳瞗醮ⶉ柩뒋熇구寠鄼ⶉ鶤鳞숓Ꮺ춅䭷꿩⧶㐫㋕瞩缾킡璻�鳮쑥ᖃ❻岛㻦¥㘀ꛨЕ㰗䮼ﲱ㴜વ㓇Ꞗ熝᡺估�湭ﬞ�됍禺縯內첰꿣쫉勷༹렫쩟襤㽾��놺㬐鐙ᆗ잝殺睋ꆹ펒郡老郢ÿ矮偻⒕里萜ឩ컛巨�拜뛷匨戡摴ᳬ洮ߏ﹆瀺⫷ꙻ�썚緅⸶፶㯖渖뭡ퟘ뇰紾㮣㛝୛⸐譵竜뮤悲ÿ齤퀴螏柣배们ೱ미뚼翰뽎읩渊망㮶뚅澙學楳䐳Ҕ∙蝳墖ﭟχ糍篤仮䌞햅확騿诼᪡ᵫ䷎랶犏Ṷ뗯駘蚸뛠炸㉦⭑鈢襈꘡昙孳ᅰꔀ⎠㢨份潗�⤭꺪䥋Ἥ뫖緺媏レ诜쮗뼥�ޓ뚆礷ꂬ봂㡓הּ⪨鹟돃廥햸︔剽쳻䟕᷊컒챭﫦즹죭沋控晾瑚妶軆궕헥粥꽸燔㢡葘빮≗�矋�藖鸪ዷ䋣煔됮吮ዯ䋫荤ꅑ摜喣鮱�蝂繇۵炍効狰⫡Νㅯ貶靶휥Ꚙꋑ樢�၏㐹듻걚룤Ḽ�螲㿃龹쾽�뇯뛓�̵⎈₈࣪૦援┥籔ﭥ딓ᤧ㒪⥋Е၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Ȑꆀ䃭콡䄝䉀ⷤપ刃始ꭗ݄ਆ⵩翙퍨雳朞�쪷渺侏斵㞫⽩媒퐿膒�䝓孞Ⳑ玍鏛죆ÿ蹬缧╩풥䢐ᜒ햜댏㖷吥�襛Ⳡ䏼ὖ剨㺷ꜬἯ菝穝┐᪤䈑蔸Ꞷ㣌钎ᴔ⠨띜➎ᯏ缦஧Ҝ劒ⶽ圧�桉쭷ꐯ뵼ꓭ瘷諻寒衫㓛ㄓ玏읜ᗔ끺俼崞⧚엑꒗㳺�봶啤璌ᕯᪧ徑૘觟紐クꔀワ렀蝽㯟�ퟗ띐褡逸콡捤䫳痚㕆瓢칕釔ᾯ�㛍松証攙摰⽌苖שּꠂꇝᘱ�끲Ⲿ䄎í쳚ꝼ꩞휆�眪꿭補讫魋䱩ㄷा욛ᨹ㫶䖅얖놧�滋瀮駸涮ꏉɦ㪍䋓⥹ෆ凬♷ᷜ촤侊座㋭㠷䭡㣋늵必꺲ﬕ봔ᒙÿ�据㽴챬쐡᯦騙尻鶃ꘓལ킟岣௙ꑆ灵㤍洛Ꮊ馻윈횒䘾⟹䛒諶䩶菈嬫嬳莈◕͈ꛋ쾊돣ﰟ㲼㴙掍豹쵭䨓壱擤瑭ﰧ⑍ﮮ쐋ﺫ흡㗥趝�뷆믚䞺뛚�ޟ秃退彆켋尠껞멢욨뫎巬멻ᔮ�ꤽ雬샄ㄷ�썙℣못鈏쑷࿉ꭏ攤柭佋ؗ姕ต鮇篒枔鰾漻잝鉃럚扒帮俆벏炷�ꏕꗃꇭ電흫䅭뫑�瓬쒗랍箶⦆맢曁蓟迩థ欬㑙퉮묻Ͳᑫ狀瓠瞥〲Ꞷ粼睌幕톍鶑�ꍻ杣眬ᐌ�첶揣ꊉፋ㙚⋪৐軶놚鵻⿆巢숎雒玏�᠖�떆ஞ즐퍙葹寍면祋합턜ꄓ餟䞇⬏鞗�㷖㟎�ꅊ洛⬚�䳫욍�盻李䝦蹉⌺歵୹跢篔祣⓼뒸䷨ꍗ믮垱켬釡ㅬ锜ﱓಌꟵ❧嫂靉忄メ䆦㈄ᵋ귅Ά㐡ꌎ욜퐊닪꩞␜⯼䭂璒釜盀溓�ૻ䯶뜛᳆뻆婟耗᳡ꎡꆫ勺鉆쀋�牶액ﱬﶼꫪ⭝冎틢췼ᷓ잚㳮챝䉲ᣙⴝ徆瀙죖镢ꚣ孻Ẇ뮦幫᳂휪밂㍳鬦�鿼誟購凰㒒寛盷﫞࿟릐氲�葬⿯ᖓ븳⬛뢧㪗�鴠ዼ儚퇫냊뚻뼿灥迈ọ朗罴旻ꓑ鵪ℷ膻络்䲻축狛鍛䰌ꦘ츱햓ḏୡ⏮饫㳩ꃮ株娵ṻ琎묭�乴檒鞿羊穑犵િ晾邷ꏺ뙼ᡎ௜뮡䡻꺙䥫䕫뭔㢫闗㧗앉瓕긶盗婋錣睢얥뙦骲䵗䓨婺㳇싕派쀇ꀯᢻ橎⥎䚏毗趂ꬥ�팤쨓ꟹ븦躬甮쵉斳䮬�黦廝○쯕⦾篧禤ÿ褓네ꜭᑕ텺੎⼕⹑▴湬柯ᙬ㪱屙ᩨ忑ᚽ枤섨멕ᰛ롽滝ÿ㓫啸勭쳠籖깋컭跪枷䅃缮�䉪慱⭷꼯䃜쬘锺⁩凓膢귨�㿶ﮑ⣗ꕘ团䐟잡朢湮횼뷞砗蟋䵆堽겉ͯ㟳ᗷ뭭⾎ใ╦醤䟴뭮袹ᇝ嬋ⶒ갲砞琞︰ﬡ㽇뫛湼潯螝﫣ҝ䔐ꅆ祚á၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А萇Ⱐ쫈⎠⢨猍栧㨈㐠엜玈࡜₨ႂ휜瘅ꏽ趼벣�砋ȴ쵼৻꯽휌契꺱⭿弟郼⛺ퟎᝬ쥍뛚ꨃ蚣⺫멍鸺旷⼞獴遅˺┯퍭ꨧ앿�귷Ꜷྥ렓퉣활侮핕ꔣ㠪钎䅽뇴�늚읾쯉譛핹ᆒÿ�얪⣝黏�뚸鵻묣✻鸿잵Ⲭ雭䋊�Ỏ㎤Ԏ풴ﭗ깕謼❭욮⧩䲎虓♒븖帚타来뾙킨圩輷픥㉱휴죎謝鏡䳛띫鵧Ⲕ鈱⇹塯䞭ᩕ虹␨⎣믐꿬밣璘ꓷ̘덵浛帾囚汈솮ء䚒ଜ彺噃斟ꜹ⏲秢廱夥떍�爛䴻诅䵯䷄陼Dz䇪温྽ᰜ䷂倈쭬㥡镛쵢敗뾽ක鲁撺뜰韔ⵦ鞍ꕖ�躌栴ພ鎮鯹ཇ⠅煍勓魷了�ᮭ沗튖䑈砷쨋튾陎꿑䢎생ﷰ觪䋧蓐ᴣ躤�篹韫肷榳৘鏱阝릲靤ブ뇧⿽䭻⍈䗛羅㈫퇽䷻浖㿁䚛㹵矸��ᯰꐼᣳשഝỀ䍡䎯⛾挞૚鿉﷜㞊뷲꾊롢魊螮눺ﶕ�헦⎮﮶κ燸យ槱諰䝎遼塵軏ꝝ伫巣\䘀굘哳쒧溣峌梙깭⛬깭ᡷ㻳᫪⣲ꓸ얧촌䣲ෟ聸瞾﬛뜺蕻⋭῝펗復ꚵឃ뒝룜㸹�柉욕ό㎌璴Ӎ龃茚髸虃暅駯❯7渀왚靟瓓၊抻뮶ᶞ醛᧚辩⯽ⅿ嬤㱜�쑁駾ÿ麾꾔쩿珢ᵺ\팀│欀ⷱ侒흽ﻟ鍍㢸贌燌䱮씓닀汉睤燁ᴈ奓썏㦪Ꚁி䆨圜ᅬ帀㏯￷贀噹㸗㸚㦣ꨨ쩔ﯙֻ皿禜㙋沉ᣯ⿨斬鶣봔阴䜉㨾礚䊛瞲㲌�ꖒ빭강E퟼뗞勲䚧롨儻⊹擀➧晡瞦毴ᷩ蹑羹�Ꮓ螸ᰞ㕿騾㳾왻騢⽜￰툀㻺븦ﴯ꥟�셭䲲彰롇龻崒☶껹ꕬ⊯誏띆꺫䜙囻祸ⓖ�먧㱽埢뙨县屘᪖㵫럋瑟䇩碎玠뜤ꊑ醚ܱꢈ⣻羷뗵暹O⼀��煲㽎薡אַ猼�옲ᤈ毑찥䊽薠趀狼엾ッ开㮳쫩ﻬ崓뒞⽇�홛옌㍛帎筻�腏ෝ뎔商쮣བ㸕笥旗ꐙ岚䍗㽾띨䤕졪�뺌䊶篪毙ꭞᶉ뼦◢휽ⵊ긑濟ඵ⡒䁫ꋡ䶅▊⹠匉䪼ዚ碧᪗倐뛈麶囦Ӄ陮灗䅣줡ᔵ潖珛ᦵ븋늙㚯᪐䤟좺囬砨䚞癏璌겆磩녽얉⍄뚰≬枞廪毯疜�乤곣䦝찙쀶쇳ﮃ坕꠮铺劥뺯ꅣ붑㱐뤖袜欺ꫢꑜ⛵얥滕륫�柣䫆泬ᬢ囶썈ꍉ꿩ॅ꾠攥䬏먓㍎�揯釢죑�퍜ҡ䅨㹑㒝凕偓௭袂鑱梾㖘빶焊暋띫ṣꢥ鋲⯃띥ꉳ㎖짔䬚࡜ࣦ껠몍甞뗬䨥癨�楻왢蝮�⎏俹启弎㻄䷑롆鷏싉탽࿻沠귯燙⭫襥㧠榮င쩽쯳빨₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ䀁ٔᓔ㴄룵햀뙲荠΢澚볭鵳∈�㓴�৞ꬊ淪虆�剝믽䈿꾭ٽ�㕮膼㒤贻왂㢾ᵽ⧯隯ᵇ읥쯟⍭塨㗢籞䚣赽ꪋ䵱툑�쀝䖮퓑쮝煪統睈壆쟲楱媡꧓폳線㨏橗衇䫩⚎ᝦ逭旃㊭ᝌ勖梶ᰥ펜籝ぇꖺ䉆ꗥ렸馽⛷�魖沯柙⠭�錶ෂ卌䦳㼣磊⡻꽹옝◮㿮媲ﻅꭞ練鉏讻仂ꄯ价慷⹷紥층�㬫�膦㾮伌代嘀ટ뇷霳앰荳�묀韴拓뀐垝쑟ﯙ뎁睭㱎ʼnꙥ뇣�䤀쐅깧밺승எ篧䉙럺퉽ꌵ䵿싉媰沕푿韘ꘋ鹼쟡�䞇痁ݽ燤椕埰慿ﲕ綍義绱ꄟ洕<礀럠㼖ᢺ藼맄긌컊嫜㱃잴䣝堃䭇ﰃ枯禫ㅎ閺簝䩺Ҟ涡깑㾽睂発杣⊳帰㞲毋ⱻ碏챤섅⻏阤钺녿絸ﮯ䔦룬룙劓ᶗ켖俇থ屆␾療퍮�髞ퟪᬡ꼃赱鮼ឪ迒㴝硞솻�룫꺴璣ﷵ屉鉲趬棓滬❫驥螽뜩ÿ쏔룞碑룚ᥒޚ聋凣뫎シ礀싍憿핊罡㓽펧⯫ᅉ퐝룝銽绬㋫弰袛濬�塞佈孝뫄퓝乼㻼୹恷뷇覗칲繂鳞�⼿㹍珴⑹Ɥ谥激뀝寫�ٚ辽줜眣烡菐꿈놘긼铛揼嶣뼤ﮛ㔚ﬨ뒁፶�൴�쉝广꟞篒툞볦㨀흸ᵊ큗迷긳謬㰮ᕧ뜝痊㦢灇�ᬜퟮ뀵Ṯ뺅뵰ү걏氝蹶᩻듧鴾ᵀ見㸼쟛㠊ᓹ侹亯枟͏⹆ꜜ唭⨑ꤾἮ洀�䯨灛쩚쒃䙵볲翛뇖췭퓊寮ÿᅭ㌀칝珑䲣㟗푯壎壜�駤튅揌ꍸ厇Ҵ쒃뜅눋揢�犊ﺹࢩ筶ᱺ濷౮�㸜筂崶讆쒖탲諾銖䜼ꝑ窽⑷몧띇喓弬狤Ꮉ蕜땢雩㡇答䔉⨺भꋖ釪딲ሠ즣ﶚؕϲ峬枩몲ᤱ⾄鯴䧱竒뱇쪡튪ꂥ⨗襏涑睥碛餤蓜⹭뀿鰮⵭駙腵�잻�鉄輴y謣⏰뀛⥺됯DŽ멄涅⠈艞ꘉ䞐ᴋ踤웠鎊⃷ን㪫�勒��浬䟝ȶ夿὾宵縛货�ᴡ렿壪ꔽ쎈⏄뚰晬㪀ꭃ뒏Ꚓ㲴喇멓⛫㙍곙伝漴岉ꅲ쒜뺸줃⩮멃쫟䝍쟄톊Ỳ঩퐵勗げ犠⌳εᕀ薈嵈볅頰ᘦ⭉뱦ⴜ檘䨞䘮峌霛語옸㉳雜⌡ጛ疧ᭋ䇃필喟ᅢ涱멅賐䩾嗁�葻왖羦༺글퉖�䞑♑喼춈崧썊薐腋Ɤ윍焷⭭ᮖ൩藅⵫躌␽눟₞용ᥭ掯繆펧⯛�뛙ᥛ滃Ḁ뎭��귶䤊䖞勋ꎃꔶ냒₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀㰠ġ䙪胨뫀ꂆ㖠闼䆭Ǒꪬꈝ锃Ⓣ䟛䝺ό쎖Ȱ殍菹�멽垬슣멜痻釕�ÿꄟ�륽쐕昑鯬밀኏撳澏ᄉ渀ꍛ醒䕃愈๣ૺ⢁㓢륷湛ౝ똙ଣ嶥쵓㫢ꍒ告Ꮿ畏㙯씭濤힁뮸蟖퀾ꐻ暶㉼鸰漕�砺㻷濛휲㶷喟ÿ퍟쏀薛퇮⒭鎍ﵺ奁鵮羹뮁嗛붶ᩥ俷䕗伣牔蚴㎏꼝ฯ鸊�컍錓꣤�韭펫왂﫝�굘斻뢌쏇獽ᡧ篤㑣彧㞴쵑뿾醉�榚立㓵땏ඝ爷᯷餿囝ᡬ꽌�ꥧ糐�㔀䃣鮽豱⬭굪卅瑝ⳳ趒췢펖⟪邹ꈳޮ糦㼠热�糶먹榻ⴿ�죶�仮쩺᭛莌ⴭ懦冊콨륌ᒎ딢䜼ᘒ䲬氬쩧뗕砙嶐뾖贴츞夷㞺맛집갑㑲첑딐浊麺벭䙈検㒡蘷ᇱ鮘좝⌲ꡞ珛愨讯ꅁ埻ꤔ緑ꊈ깝屄흺禍珗畋༷杒䞺쉓▮�ⶓ膷᭪搣縟끡ᦱ讻簜㩒ꅘ뒈饴對蠃帧鏔鉊꒫꭛뽉᥂똝ퟝ땖爡峙曦擌닮䌲쳼邮㰰䅃ڧ嶫헖᰺�孵솘ꪪ辞�鐎䌻�껷ᴊྛ�煳๡╇ㆺ嚶쐓姙ᴻ諪吸륔뛑玄嫪諣叟뷀揟툖ꪃ阹�⺹혰烷拥絧匤ﲴ┽捻㦹킵跸㝕㠭튳쿃煚䍧緙ꖅ軽롱祋覣重㟖ㆲ䚢ⴞ㽰䜍䨾데ṃ瑗铇㥜ꪏ煬妸࿱皵ଶ湨잿쐆⽀Ὥ블媝⫢핁牯媊ᶟ쬩殕畚帾ᷞ잘빬速஑羲迸邐⻘砞㨴⾝嬼윊십꩒꧛㣴�螦釒煠峘晛�猢⑭絴ቌ쩓Ꝥ슙嚼睩ᙫ䟥鷜軋液箘㬻澺쟅쮌彆�젰惉궑헓歡튟࿗ﯲ狚懣辻ꧽᶺ钕架쨶Ꮩ뛞揳್ꞙ㘼濯蟣잮梂᭟⹬㙯ʚ倸ퟱ㮋↷텛淓깾㭰쮕鉮蝵ޙ﮴鄽㇉㦗䔹㾬�⽫ﺸ牕饺刉꜊�萇㚌헆ﲡ磦缎哞䯒쉣鞿駸䞰歨赒辙렧뚶㸔㥹ꐱ�尅▮싦配㪒鋤歃ꬂ鎋➫譔�꟒嫅䒒⤛忉燣긶좺�玩㢍爮ᠻ㪹輣ﻮ�멜ⱋ紣怋䵋뻖ᆪ需䊓뒚辫檏켚绢ฝ㹱륷燯焯鲫䥍娥⒭鹬ꥬꉅ᤬䥒⑖镥䅥ꗋ靭倚멐䓓절㺈ࡗט㉏�攵译櫅襤⿝ᑩ짧㉶捏沗๊䞒ꦠ퀔워꿤ힱ�컘篻춘ⱙ葦琢⠡⪩�넸钻�뮌ᓡҞ䏾㣢卸뺀⬷쏟홱ꌺ솲൱䷄ព욇僡櫠ꘕ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠꖀǁ⮏ဪ㜑咰ဝ븚퉒�띮谧ચ恒ꀺ핸륐䨎鲆靌痸묣镽獦猇늷樂㪘ꥱ洎ὁ塸ꪡ東�쮑䘷氖噎睫肶팸볜釻㺣ኻ맺턄䀎茠㪨ꀐ橩ᆺ쓒祣⹯䪡娮⫣琔풮ᆇᑄ䅁ᑄ䌔ᒴ䅁썅㶴䇩퉁ᒕ⤝뱓穏ꍒ뮉迶湾煟탖염蟋壄ᬜ﵆嚮럙탍ﯳ枖ꗲ큛蒝᛭싙ⷍ鎭䬽覫艑麀ﺖ맕䅣⼟➑ꆣ�﵎�䢸宲扨辻튮৲醄碐깕笄謊菆ᙚ빃䅤哒ṧ穆緃赜ᛴ졭毤஽䞧供傆숏츕鷱卩蟙뙼ꪣᯝ卶叩洫몂뎹뛉⯳攌姰垶帷룀꽰破쟫㱓녿陇湉监뒳ꭻ㍯뿜氣韯撮鋩㦺ꂥ㲒龧Ⴜ픺⪸쯈�⍲☪붸醟䮲뚵쒮태⎻람�ᢲ⚚묘凇撬亂뚦矞⽼醧瓼ᴵ纱ꫜ�⴯쑟ᄒ뵭�臕툘�䶸붊肉�聣珲᝼箓�ꛏ䗾❶㨸릧执쯯뒼᠗풌콂扵ᘩ큖⬟ۇ썜ꋹ袗렼眨嘫噼ퟥ䫀귂챖㟓㾮넵㕷燇쮶묥�럹঎➎オ漅楡ઌ먺瓞饝尺糼髗痺뜮팈뺌ÿ筃嬷祷灭폯淊쳼圚䥖㐙�⛾爸簡澦쩱吝阴濫쫴䴿ꟺ㷦㪪텬涧꺜晟駙ꓹ슻嗜宻⸽ꆧ뾂琣˾�䷼蟻龩㵢쟎燲騯紽簽摞폤䧽糗饠㕡뛄홷㉯䫙뷗鞱甚㱅ꅢ緬゗㿪崓盥쉒놛骐�얇㲽膧儚軲욤럜�ఔ캞䰌랐䳾ࡐ讣ꎩ㽙㉄픱䃇坥化龸Ꭽ﫲牨팲㧢瞫괝盷ᄲ鱠쐧࠺疝༻ﳨ࣍ꞓ뒖䔇旺⢥苙詳ᡗᵉ뀂᥅⌝๝䆥蓊䟨鮥滉웒滾卥쯍७䭱쑲䑖Ꞟ閚웘ᲇ뎌〜敄⚊먊遇臖◭뉉鰻租믷訉듫臁穽菚ᐱ꞉ᮧ䙮碛ⱱ柎鶮䨾檂꫘㙽髻䚴氉豬瘔䄣䐊忪㦆㑥꒍移㤮뤥瘻㞥ꉈ쒷ꓸ磨銣䴲᱕暻靐渙핺ᐢ딮괋䉁峣Ձ䞼ဂ䜧彔챵⃎욹誫鴈觌�燗꧐픕婫Ꝓ闘쐹軉矖쭓㳒ꉜ⋮絜琨�䟷딹ⴜ▮렷ᆵᴀ꿆マ洀韇鷰⤼断訌ᑺ癤▅ꮍ炽陛俐뢎�␨鏶쏉媈ⓣ㻶宙酴ꐼၔĄ䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Ȋ�誹ꂠ爠딶䐇ꌆ뎖ꋣ鈃⡮㚮캷ɛ긭ᤜݴ렆㑐碟씣䟲럥幢ﲱ睌ध漆ซ졶㠇ᦴ唡答ꌝ�谣ꖹⶮ䈼緀敪袋�䔩ꋐ뻽뵊襑귒倰ꕴᅇ苒袂蝶⢽⠨节皈袂笨썅ᒴ䅁蟒汨믝럞㏛婵ⵧ酁鎑�㒸惵왿翏쬊㡗颺냳䖖ާ竵殟뭰֋퐝霅겘ᖜ숁粭ੲ긹ﭩ艃韏嗞熙撚৥봸㠚⮮�蝍⺺蛶짓孚巇৶۹区�绑償묖濢炘멲쨝눒䏯諢ⷝ晚囮䖮襻迲晊懻ⷜೕ湰ᠽ敦ნ嫚�ᭋọ㛇⨼꼹�婜흕藈溵ꤎ溛�⭹痑랷ᄀ뱮䰧㈚៦ꕿཻ▋検���涵뙟滫Ṟ㽻릐ᕪ㺬᩹ホ쐀뛤줽᪙晀쓫ꃇ랹烧㿐柜紗㗾暇僯诎熱ÿꛜ⦅␀湝霯ﭦ酭룍䰸Ҵ輹䰝潼簔潯㠢쐑릹崹⮻噽ﶒ唟闹헊ḝۤ죚鳬㍛㌳럧ꞑ雾쫋湪怡놩ÿαݾ롿笅컝㯄㊦쟊ÿᗋ䟱ꟓꋺ伋��嚻ﻶ汛۶�♐埊ᵩ䟄�鰜ꭎ湚䛆➶뾦ﲷ嵮ꆷ뎗ꚷ爷站ΰ鍩禷ↇ龊燋㭯笴쌜솃䋃�ÿ�ㅗꞔ혊㨮緉躟癍Ⱐ뙬浗㋯�쎆㌯春蓙暲狁䭏뛤ꒅ☾ﲖ蕃ᰀ퀚踾류�檋軋�廮텑㿅啽﷊븨繪἞管湱䱫蓅쮸뽭鑹熆늤�鋕⇅擵椎嗔嚍⿶鋫링㯮ꪵ⧖﹨ﳝ斶鍳䎗옊㗯�缽ἴ숨ꯋẈņ窫璜⿐좡ⷡꗢꫪ쑩鷃꣩籅䍶�径㍝윞鹩赣楪囔⹊䪐儿埶滻ഖ献仼蚣㯛ͻ袳㝍䤗㝊쒫��릯튺銈ណ㓔勰㘳읦왮꘶຀쩪臐淭᮱ⓙ㟟ΐ槉婮痷ĵ犡阵훅舣칮텍蔫㨋鷾庤Ŗ⍚蝮暥⋌Ⅻ꧐핔ề꽉栊ኧꮋ쯀鎰ࠞ㐓嚻᷏ﯲ뢉᎝ಘᙤꋲ䀹㠘惬扥镸펲䗊娉䭬Ṋ甧풴杖贘⻊ꆴ롨⑍赞纮֍샇㜮煂隃ꛊㅓ໷턚�䣝皹鋻䏟泉裤祔㖇�ꉌ᳾ꪡ�ᐼ檜湑觳᎟㭝᭫퐕�䗸嗜⪋毹Ώ껷ꊩ抹똤䏾蔯쟈轿횝೗雐珰ᙏ炸佳嶁槷徱翼☽㮴쓾嗯䢎揅ʛ揔✥�᫮쀧ꋣḭ迧�迢Ꮕ䞩␣筨ᰜ샓ꂅ૲Ґ၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А剀ɂ계䂨幆偁ᩐ从뗒Ǒ೜᰹뚒邭Ἒഇṁ哐ᕥ䘥扛귴仍ꌻ岦랹宛缨㉒쟨㽗⬂跈썂ᬍ㺃▫䚩탔홷韝餏⊚䛚䭜녏뭡Ⰾ껺鋟�䛕ᛳ멘ꝝꠃ䕖꺘ꏛ⭒䅁룒荶֥稏偐ꁴ둃䅁蟒㩨偐裶用욞䁷淗볼㣽흋寵ﻊ휖䈇쩫㼹脗쭗﷮樂楖⸝靿ﲣፏ燯遻቟췟꡾�륥鈰滣琤䩢楋ॹ䣽渧侱蜓槢엻ɇើ뵻⚻᎗羜唿࿾ꞕ륕ⶢ旳몋鶸옭弲읊픧�歚雄䭎ﻐ뇊溲鐴䶮諓竽崗ꉰ펒磅鬙淧⿤槛皸釬뫅鷰읏금㾠士톁襤챝᭱궿�碃〹╼嚵﷕즯幋羏헗鬘뭯᯻怿鉤룭웋㈇ÿ缕狺⏃汉麑튡僱歸⁎ᘝ켼駪⽖웲鉼婵凒緽┚籢䩫䵟瘍룓ꜽ鋘溜ꡛ뜲祆뙠ꭷ꼍体�㓖ບﺚ묗䘾驽㡦铛坾븟䊾꼶歜完궡�懻㠳賫ꙅ䡐땽틴ே룠회ꌹᤑ챼舺괞뷬�魯뮒픩ꡪ徔럣侍ᵆ⪇ꩴ⹑睘⧓떑뒶뮼駾��䕻贆㨮◼填帘룫䗭今䒿筝뻺捄쥘ⴿ箷鹝殖훜㭶闼﷈襫斥솼ුꔇʽ榠垫⮣榰ር兟욖渞⩣啺ਲ਼㰛쩆희籘麭�쭒褻瓠놱ꞕ꽉멛齆䚦膿��ꮧ㬜㑹ⱗ쳊햿먘줿罽䛾뛭馻의뫜捦ⶮᅴ⨀槍٥躥瑭耆胸꺸ẩ杞뽤橢춞㑽�㵋㞹隙㣹炬줰ᯓꚎ抎抾⳧볲ꋓ鈾㷞⮬멳퓖棺ؑ࠾憋殸₁䞾ሼҹ溷怜ꝼ牶鎬৻Ꙙ㛆릕뾊�埯谦얞﯇��뢺ሀ䋆䣇佝䅫핒釨멍蝒��쇖쒎㫙関埽�곘꾍ỵ鲅율好Ⓨꑳ筹巜责䥪闶㕺ꌸ胎ꥁ⏩껶菔德옣䝈ךּꠔꙔ磑ꐽ⹸鍐枒匤帤禂疢煣ﵩ銋箊떓灺譵⎡膸仑屹ᔸ띏헅錞埍뢭翏ᄓ芦㋋귭靥ꂀ⫱騒魆댸놹ԧಌ羡�冱괫ꖞ᢬絇顙雎㒊輆걢鋖桛⑖業啑ᇚ뛦⼪獅�̓迵קּᔸ⑼鎕ቢ㯖끼ꂾ뢖꠫㲚⧥镛摶꺭轉斣믲狳乔㛕欽석䥋쳨䝼겊쯚풀๑毎穯幰��︼宣⻼椼締눖턚磪��⣗㋼軻뛵溷瀓님ᷯ�圦ퟌ歳ႇ蕽豯�ꖶ䤇攢건ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ䀁硛Ǒ熉䄝䅀ⷤສඈⵏ婧胨㯤`⌾洫漁症ݍ㹉絗᛻題⻻畂ⶱ랥㮩겻퍞⮋ͬ⊮轓䔅侍띟硞鷷놷旄톍倸킴戟冝淪컔㕎詅餩⠨节皈袂⠨螂䎴ᒴ䅁ᑄ尔䌻⃚ꊠਊꄠ뷯溻寛錌撟௒湭�䙩舗࿦䡣ꬊ⪯葝蝹閙泚糝용⡞몙쟯潴㛣㊶�풗ຆ疹뗼圤凬雸츥ꗝ쟋쭳薞릝黛봭猑歽垾禺럤툅楱磳䬯鷝둪湤Ƀ槌贯᷹椛㱽볭絣챜➧蠻ꑷꛞཆ鈺砚溘矷㙎슣椿귐绶뛗沷䂛࿆崣漄﫻檚ꎒ犓쁏뢃㣘칆﹦殃㰱ᮛ㽚�醇㶺㮝寧ヤ턀磛㺟럖휺䝀焏鐋◲ÿ鄩ÿ䣺䶢떅愤㛵룅൭屏嚓▼脗�雲旗绷㶇㇟カഀÿ뇫㣘犮諲谵瞞愈ីꅾ샗ꔪ醙휞㹳踻휶媊웽�ۭ猏䌾횦曦斃ၚ恵햚䣱닅�櫆ꅿ됵囶컃鱽妶✻�륱鶦흚꒩忩䈘馻筳溦䴫䩉ꦌ樂⻲嵮�杮䣉胸㜚ꯖ⨀ꙗ좬낿쿦ﮪ䴎⨖퍿Ⱄ䑵䓷뢼䀁ഃᘨ嚛崜ꕙⱷꪙ䭊⻬ÿÿ�膁�๧䅼ᑛ䛚ṇ꽎婓䙾靋惡ᦙ非㆖힮媕꜁芳疃ꄬ⠚먆ᴮ䞢ꦣ௟ꐫ�꧈槐畒⻶醩躝떬壁犌⹔ᐇ医뛒흖ꨑ댊�摚樕鎌薦⻖䵅�꓃ꋲ緆樒沚ቜꀄ⥳㓽ὧ㠕ᧅ�클ዅ퉈籨觇텗찳鑳䭽ㆱ헯⯎꒍ᙶⷥ◙浯䀓吤闸Ꙍ왙鹜鋙蒶졫⚤쳑梌凍빛긣ꍚ켴︎괼⊿뗭냬⮐쿔勊퍖挻嘮퇼ԫ双갶쪳ḭꮽ룰⺴웈쫊瀸譜�᧕蒗旉흰뱭��䩡鷴ܜ㜧嚁궫慬�䝒�즰墆衦뾵귑鼜俊ﰃ阧瞻럔隆�㯗녎ꋸ躥ݖỦ⬄⣏©၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А础ɂ賌䂨�僃ᩐ䫦ꃖ胨㟒∖꬛굩惥牴떴㫍ᆊ왅䪪焲굩ꇑ⸧㌗뙵䑲岘扺왳憎峸情ᘧ浽곙冋᾽澙毪쭝ⓟﵭ伉ࡓꫡ织ᛟ❽쭪浗Ꭿ呋ꤞ꫖镉㵎桊垺䑁䄻ᑄ䄔䕁䃁ը荎υ냐�圗ᗜ�骙陙풣뢝ৠ䭙囮觗�㊆塉⧳疗桋�䆚န죵藯֍㿎占㻍⻯ᮉ햾៭ሠ柇㫽�촍㇘༇̖矦芿떗怔�뫦蟽�颸╺븧粐큶鑾ﱇᅿ䕊㱴뷛뎺☶샔㞰謗គ䄁�篬烁៻ḹ罎氳ᆞ윓⹚걔䂬᜼ꤘ葐℮p一ᜦ軖깤␹᩵壟㕼멻羃퀑湙╥겶觝犁룼᳅⶛ᢽϜᵝ몴턽芎娙㥵龍뵇�믧迺놰뇚慰擮줺㝴꤭곛Ն箂�嶧ꃬꚻ钂㮌왗Ἁ��韜{䨀쳼톝皿�벓佤妥�諦㒕퇛吞㤭㜟뻮廭鳫Ǯ잎嚾䵺龔蜳䅇潱䀍唜엱⏫軝﹓뀲諵㑵㟗࿗뢹᥷焤ア뤀豨�ᢊ해驱崢퍩룘ꕎ⇨掖揺湎ᐼ⑥⺷暵ί뻂䊲琜ꄍ鞔崪탗攭㏱씨⠝܅节㒓퓊䕶妷ਕ伳Ⱂ❱⭇﬜穵⚖麰䀽濪宱ꤛ澘仠괚慑恘뭨䔨衽�⁽越蠽钘昪矃ٖ隗孅Ꚇ离評퉍솅탡ॉ痁鹤분�䞑୳锼鋙殜맔쎓玊ṧ夼ﵑ甖Ȇ賔뛗䎫�閶⇩腷㚕㜽ꂤⱗ劤㉥䐎ꔩ㑃畛䞽㹓곐ㅓ웜ꢮ튶믦⭏뎂♳纱켌좶冸㈿嚪඼珶틚鱤欮媅Ձ콐�졑䶎㌪��忧칢㞆줚︘ḇ�௛�鳹֬堷쿨皠䘫懏흰亓캨榎蠼蔺㊢捏믅偦鉴ᐧ슊耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ĉ偀員Ⰶ퓱℠໪ඈ⭗偧䁴㹲懤聥鷅涴氮呏燄റ累ﵸ㛫멍궪屶ឮ뤽덼竼葾쯅쪞챬꾣�极�뿆�浹딥ꍸ䢚礡働᣻鉏悩룪鑉䡑芮⢈舨躇栭趫複牄ⵍ襙䨾ਖ轷琥띬踰햑䵞쐧㳭븂툶謼玹엌뷭韃晸ᴷ�뀑喝㆔ﳎ篨뢿嘙殶䟆랍ꬴ㺦맨摔璞읖�魋콚䲦হꥁ뺍﵈ׄ䛎�섆㣚봈丬ମ튝燯冩㉲뮥�⠀謂୤薍⨪⅔꥜闊綈芋讥쮋焫닺︊텖ሊ醸ᘥꯈ榏꭭㨽闰鿚ꫲ홝⛶꺑꛵屷璯ﲎ⫎簼Ⱶ㚭댢䝻餍ᥨ쬘㻃ᰂ䅚쯽�卫ᝮ뵲큭즉늃谬堂䬭奔凱㳳釸῱䪵䘔쯭ዙ㛥커밿ꉾᜳ䯆뽽대㖷ㄟ麖菆�꿚⮆㍿ధ띴┹䋾⇷ﭴ�ⅱ꒫ꥹᔅ彄᱃ᔚꤣ薕퐒ॖැ艏㓡学䡙ᷲꌩ⩿垪�刊寖찒揩䙃暁鹺槔䐕賢଍ⶪ独ꍷ夕Ḻ烅߉㡓鵸옑憄䵽ᕕ찇ﷶ巵컢넻궮挗嵻햨ꉱ鉑ᕻ엕꤃疉흢駹閣땔酛毎梗퉂依瀊瑱�紇퇨촨콬㩪ᲈ儗꥜ౝ⦫�쫁娓ㄚ鑦﫨㆓놵긑骇�穏倱흥왞ᯝ⣦놭렼떭눬♉敽ᡵ爹텖ꄥ䪉╗뵙섌測ㄝ겷릏轂ꖩ诜詔斩�噴ꐩ륡㦏ҿ뉤됆㤀뤨뻔ᐶ契䥯ᗶ죔㓊젬韖ﵐ宅愖һ᧝끨�풉㯃㹮饫甡瑘㧦䨮錩纳�⥑灩ꑮ윑鴛ē鱳聽ꥪ�䉦摉��孭�ᶨ䬫蓎凩⏌䊃䗞붹ꤚ᥿벖峅쯛ܟ膷Оᰝ蔽㉂뽪�䧡쒥㯬븣㋧㗋奋ᫍ苛፩ÿ�ᢽ깜웧浱壃庝ꈙ芙�팜藀ꂕȈ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠⶠ�ᄐ凷ᑔ뼆떒㪨㐠훜눽ꭰ࡜ศ땡搯寚岺﬘宓踅ﻥꈓퟀ팉㺣ា锿ꖎÿ䟶ꝿ螙緝Ⲭ뿯宨똶麟ᲁ픵졥䞷�溺炎ẳ⪥떾㕠⑸ੲ櫅음㙳竔厘०ᛒ�흹뎻䅺刘췜龸멢䬰챣鎻嗋⥒�埻箴㙡Ἃ뺖皲ழ붧﫤ⱗ醠掎籺벐軌更븫귣༝㣢풎窴٦ꊵ悟햪쨋ꥪổ퍔嵏☑厧ꗢ╒衭�薆苊킠Ꚁ慙薅㣲茱⪉팭镰襈㷷▰놶辙�﵂ꖪ쮪䟪敜㝲ี펓ﱡ莢陳ᏺ䡑泆㕴礼몒邠䥬밽⼬솑澭䴒刀䡲�嵭ಾ镬鞷楀䘌㺴맒⤗ᆽ뱽诛﮽㖛ᓗ簒뎅튫㵵墥�佝፫쨒럹봹峜妺璤皯✵嫯ꓭ뾐ꔔ욦ἱ끺퇎⁛ﲑȅ鋣끅⦱候臘㉕澸蒵䕹㠜온緡哬鯖ೡ⿪攞닛쒮氰꯱塷騊錞કꑌ믨띂꙲⑉亝Ʃढ़輤∷Ꞔ봪㶊尹鋮赈ꥎ㬔鍳괳馭䙑Ꙋ杓採㴖␑Ú㶩ꡄ喨衐ꢌᔏ朴ⲛ䏜촔嗤鎐ⱆㆋ떸軜ᵻꠛ쉾䖵�ꁧ閮芕熺˹⌘傗ᔸ굔䝵枡팹딮溬�밓殕弖祩幽켪뤀㒥簹⥟ᶙⷀ毩�樎☎庨ꉔᥚ㱑箸ᤔජ徴ꈔ㛡㎋퇊嚠ᡁ⺲ꄥ빠ꪦ惤ꦓ둱ྥЏ䴹崊ᐁ퐭䨞䙪陻ꨩ机癥鼛䯆괍鲵馞㌱痺ꏆ께箂暞졍᦭﮲㵇獻㎴Αz궭᷋攛椄묥㫍薽ꪦ䷗䧅兼ܹﭰ鬥뗄룷ﰂⶎ玵磭웜耽꡿�쩎ꍚ蟐鑱貒㦶ṻϞ桊㕇䝋ᦣ뒦紷�︼瓛ᝰ벛桳崾囧즁㖎Åꍱ䘦朤톪䂟ᵭ苷훜止茹ᑥ쀒㗺⟬鮓㽝枒皓ꃌ취䢍₨Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠȂ඗᠐㋓ơ紑偯ᩐ嚾ꃎ胨緥�識曛ÿ뇍堦䖋☾權﷦哴럟㻊囻덧彷媒휿⿪⿠뜭첖鱵㪤ۮ籹୴䏣鷞꽱忲㠫箆엓䭟㕭�앂짬猟ᢵ뗖뽦鍷熖퇐쿐ቧ䊴觊旤⥷哝⍚ꨊ쿣䎨咃 ⸷뚣⼲岦빠몉钹ጴ㽆䄳縺ମ帮漤轆蕾⍗噝틧存蛬턩浧⫶ߤ듴㟖Ὡ蜋⯾깉冝鑌⩮᤽㇑믹꭛챶ၷ♾ʟ댗╧坉흹㐭䣨뷴ﻩꦵ吪蒦홽쟡僃曂荿⨸醥䴔汚龍�凍䐋뭸꫶�嘬ヒ罦콜蹴⋾רּ┇ਕ䦽魖耞藖鈤䘸༾ᄑ殺⣮�㵝喃珇➢爛잖�ÿᡑ犛烸㺰䇮鶠䛞�ꯄ戣�橄➆즉ἷ띳疆៎긗គ덿Ⰱ樤䎵⬞폌儛ꡆ譋見윥㪉禕Ḻ䊂ⓡ秨畗땖良쓩糝ꢌʽḴ橯喪�셑뵀굔↯ꉱ컨䖅껤鍐ඛ륻䙱暄᣺닓ୠ鄕써፾뙉⃊칼闕覧鉒噅㝥▪攏⬎픴蜞讹儾랤вꕬꅨ䝓랶鈩쑗ꇞ⌙⧄❅ꛔ帅넥养党�ꬮ潠㠍⢩䬕䜨夷뫢䋣묑뷈燉鈓丬鬃ᖯᥬ⊃䘵꠨ṗ呣椫≝]ꦄ᫗ȕ褐ඓ곌櫠਼芋큥铈㉶뺠됹℞噂㛍ᖳ䑵溣ൢ↨앑ꪞિ孨趃鄕撶鞽읂㓌䧪픪켓⯵쑭얻䳢歹嵌�䒐렒쥂艞疃쭾㛚卶燥㥗⮳矄ㅷ팵ሶϭⶌ瓳轗ꩈ귒湅獸៮﹦䌗뱠惃泶멯럛팟飦뮇䬔芥폠퉏玩�ꪶ䭴⭣⦹�묍겼웣朝ಔꋵ邷俴䘝宲㻊எ㊺ᐿ伵ᩃ똼捃湣멟챲懈᜖ݎ䷧㵍9䏒軂긚䏬蹽�󻒁동衻뛆叏�넊ᅮጀ䫙�㥕稦혘ᾧ塃됆팕僅瑺氲랲쭸�峛�騙楨Ꜯ詍ᗧ᤭ﯞ�飧忙﹛ᆌ뚗ꃹ쭴੊땒쑯ਸ期〽箓㚞ꡍﳁ暪聠ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀ą恀엜偐㤐娛ꊃ倃壌އ⨂萎㤠㈜돋낷팠逝筱琅鄄㻖執壭⹮꼓絆ᕖ闅磾ᵾฌ�鰙斱鱡㠇�ꚮ礼랸먗봸植苏�纑ᬻ㺙἖嚵䗮괚峡좖诋⤏ḍ叅巈䳻ÿꅳ瞅蘐倃מय़呕㋳箭ᱷ୼ꤺḔ䒃琸홞湷棷㛝響礳휧꾶⊞�벊㛇哳읟᝗䶙嗋滕兽誎㳖⊎韡眶ญ酤娐䗠楅諀▯盙拤깲꿡㟖僔뛔ત퇸ꍞ呔摛瀤刔൑侞嘤᧑筦豣筱Έ⧯⃉暓릑붻炴玭⹮帛ꆘ퓳䣻⣐鳇哾虨餴㟉繇릳븆䬌举ꜣ䶪佟徱㨜쳼೗굨毎鑽忈旊뢼콼ቷዧ䚶㬊䈣안㩒䓁㰔踠䕈厦比识⊴徤Í儓僭쵶ꏩ눯迡ᗶ赛焍꒾흜覒ꕮᣨꩋ摔럁皩て㢊ꅨ栖ֻ럔Ⱌ໠亊ぅ뚴䍆慺꡸森虔᭳왙⪪阍⋋䘱휤䪓孺查琵ꑭ靹䕳⮢텬蚆휁舧東�≫媷촽珪ﲩ䨣렢쾎䴒뉕箫ᩰ◉㘲퉱䡆聣ꏢ﹒蘎쐼氅㹏藾⪀ꦮ욁涥ᱨꞒଔ΁驂燐䱒冦خ䌥嶶坣䤪쥄풨躻纆ओ驿䇉잍䮰灷飮䣚䨥눺趋㕆箽밧ꙶⰮ궔ﵥ䶧齮푫䇯쓟̜羺誊淧粞″㫴欧⯻鮄썪늸㌰紳ཷ�ᐝ鄠끖ꞹﱓ⧚ۆ屢둎띩礻띿좣癤�込惔뢵碆僝㩥쏼﹚㫅㼣⾹䌒밉ⵯ陠뱌䥲覂뛁㌴秊䛜匏㽚⧳ṏꔄ롎똧۾朮栁쏍柂떡쒑�嫫ᙋ坯풑ᇦ랈㑊鹳矸ᄳ涗㞞⬅禟㽡ﶭ⩂놴勀碌힡哘⑥晛鯄饗蹜ꕇ�벽켌콳๕橣�專䴬륐�஽质��ꋫ诪坥䘯鬛὾䙣㛇⳧㓱⃍⚲㇔슾ꬹ淣촣馿䞴靟ꬅ뇍톅�솙瓜䁓ㆬ夝䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ԅ․䨬蓊唄ᗤą⨭蠎欎ොﶵᕓᠫ猩믛箘絸㷼믊ᬚ㈰讝綪墨묑︖狟�F준㦄辁菸ꆛ븆搅⚷ỗ뾧暛騱떸㢋䟛錑䇹众෫쥩ꭦ푍巷亸㣜續ᘜ�ࠈ뵌方꫇᤾稿拙呵朾�틧Ɇς۔�淮粋��즘抍骒㝵㳲晾꫽舓ꎒ묩佡䀹ᔿໟ摤ﺽ禟�Ҹ﹋㰂ᖯ⯰개㯊慪♶ຝ멭ꖾ콼溃傁朮紼῍믞検�」巄低죎忧ⓤ묱雽혒넏蹨⌼폐椛歬꒦體쒓䪝骴⅀稤㐚ꍔ㭴㤘摬拇꯳㷍랊쁷濙뼅즘둥ﯚꥊ돍ㅬả릅菭莆⡕藎泹쭇験䕨蔖윣榹媦刭栩།औ짐嚑ꙮ始㪮찙殺ᰪ뤩쏪䤥╼鳨諧䄹᪪쥭凉肞髶䵲ꐎ䓑䨑�⛯蝣鸖䪞ד瑚㈽밸ࠂ됋菐犛�샚듚ẉ꩹쩥ꝇ�駸�Ꭓ�停㑾⮫ꮷ�▱뎠櫱灞䦣䱜熲⎢遤쒹婲ꢢ㝸쥧ֆ闚鞨រ伪嶉죔◊鑡拾㢕폭곔腴巭䐹�⪍ㄮ뤶祛횲뺮뗇�糋⡴ꦚ郋᪗䘧佽�篟�፭ⵄ踌�㦐↴环㣻醭歑츮맭☵㸌᭛ﵽÿ毵㨠鹡ꃡ瑜辔騤ꁳ㒣撚叶졫귻᢫ᒛ㫧굋탒穞ﮞ὇쒁쐾긕໦盡�澸龗焨훗ﺉ쮯�핑講鑎㦭䆍僠ꍑ��髍㗼囖쌝璞뜯蘯阾㨸ອ閖㵩촧⭎⚕�훊囲塆梇ग़㲥댨坍�ꦢ崤딒㓺Ր倚��滾芆믷와䧪׶ᔪ┹놹盡䉆ÿ殦᯷卛ᇆ쩖墳굨뾍츓馽≍塯旌颭蹥�枾�㡒闸䙪䤉嚷ᵴ�먬㯏骥怑ᅬ묀낿鄮ⴺ鶥鶭ⶻ拭ぬ冰悬ࢠ젋₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀Ԡ洁䃭�偅ၐ୹荪΢쭒噙₺᥾麶菮樯ⰺ`驉Ý馓찿얪㱾쥥伟꿚馝ᵯ㾽駁ⳝ处綜̚䨯詝⪔ֆ嫩凈�ⷍ楱២綔ḃǶ묵척뜊ᓞ쫭쮌掙뛜꿑䌑廭ḭ쀡ިĔ萎āӨרॗ�㯳䪃骋踭�♃̛䏆⫶知�⏯湢ઔ妽誶⍛헤趢⯱⒭㍂곘챇ꢸ맔뵧퐾�ꤥ歠ꏆ䕞㉊䖡૛卋笂읗ᚯ꯸㫣䶞埼䌏된⪫煣ꈼ쫩넞迥爄橜ꆤ᜷䵔�熲䗒ἤ掵޹닰畣縙䚕꺪ꅇ哭䵺䍎䧚휑䑈ꥭ慚괚ᝏ则沷۩抟߯귐䙥ኟ疡랯ꭸŞꍜꩅ⾳௃ฉ傯ꣷ䳊�쳜딒莂ᕀ꥔�䙑庝啼臐坥塄५痢呖귂ܚ쨵傓璡鸴䔃鏊�웅궱银䞭봄롊ꊮ䔒᳻퓵陶빰瑧೅률㻎ഀ驊鈩啉㊝닓�뵅澞奴烌捽샜싃쑇䭅ꢡ䙗睹費䡩挝񝘞췮涣혦⮒葉白㬹㍿︤耙껣�࿕昭作灖屖�잲�荊럦誹龦�췢䙯戴戻䝷ᬗᏲ�ᱚ囻奈瀠ÿ�䉁Ὺ헻閱㩏蟵ﭫ몛魻禮ꦹ�릸땜蛍㛺䛗훌螎സ䄫쟕垍ꅛ䄘쫽ᓮ�揓鐕殺筣�퐣ɰ喴曊壋㏍楖ꦩ圥婓䖊꠆驴淁뻌�ᆣ�ꪣŹ缚䘍䪪旛쬒㒌덚抠칶ട鄘䯀㕰쬳bꎫ輔䷩淪ⷸ鞭룍̼恧칸ﹰ἖ꓞ瑔뿭堘浺آ㿜⏍떏ৈ맆堁༨ѐ၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Ḑ耐⎱耪벍ꂂ㖠鶼䆥Ǒ�⦇뢌邳㠟Ძℴ㗍ṩǢ鱑镔瘙綠롚ᶧꟑ흶혹跻鞫箠豁�脺䨣姲✭ᙇٽꍼ៎厵�牻㙜塢槺鰛ཋ⼪댸烬唲⛘⩫禣᳢㈡왶﨩ﷀ饭僕黹跣痂ⱟ▌㢄Ꮧ⩀劇扯ⷳ眥ꣶ蠻೑뽙ꉬᬟ엾焇掚ᖇ⺻ᬶצּ譊馔浴䕙竦萿ꀀ槪ງ쪅ኅꏪ囇⺚㊢찱츅ᗳ⍧뀛퓛Ჺ㟖ꇘ驊鐔䍑᢯⤸氫妪⥱퇹퍊牏뛯弄犋矤缍䈀薋괋⧤⠗⠜蹂퓅獏뛈暮䉗觧㗡�⸁魫▯㌹頽�ͨ쌼剥횻ፓ᳋팜㕂瘅ꑊ쵭헅瘓璜쮻곈⵷霾㤏呝䡺Ⓤ贪颭솒鰛՜괜验崰ᚳ럪崱č蕫਼䢹ꟳ䩧ᨳ煮꩎죘ꇚ摃⎖㡖㪅뤧鱂뎡鬮蟋ᰂ엵≭쭲ⶹ蛘㉗珔橝꺨쟝吙誓�洁㑔煂얖ö儹ꕆ㓊눯弙ᱣ䟦룱娂㨎鵸敫㹽㟥�蓼ᜭ㨐摜㭰࿔ඐ⤛琠藹ଈⱌ呕㋱뉻㺷洩挟�퍖돤銏쫎姞쵭璴왬屨莚Ყ፿︽䗯귰襎﮳�늼寇壝녧颒ꊮ妒븠閷쮇ԫٴ춁瑳⡪滳୷�滨�黚嘼秫욺緊ᴫ嫂ᴃѝ聗捹ÿ�䃃ㅬ麴躨泊�죘롋ଶ瞧鎩俛䵷춵⥾켭ꔈ�ᥝ煗筯長䇚톛뒭Ω洫ⶥ똗篯嵳뢧ᣑ厅類휍夑ꓥᆓ⭵芠求좮ꗴܭ熚䭔轍쭚彲㰒릹뮸疸퓅麮驧䦺焉벯鹥囔㲴ᤪ쳘䝞㠥쪂⌓欵봇勔汑쏨ꅳ㭠捻᭪䨾㎗䲝,nike shox torch 2.폆䙗ḉ�䮙ᅭ宴䮾։⺞唟틭加匶㍏綸曊湣淀䬻᭹遵뭰ڻꞡ⛽䁩胳ᨀ䄎鼁플敀ɲޤ¡၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Аꀀ瀨Ϊ砖ც뜐ꊃ吃�ຈ�㶜⏆洫겹歁玣牙⠚崩検緷௞픽쭇㷭୼霝퟼뿗뎩譮洫득쩢Û飫௘쟩춂㱺厣�벋찞Ꮲ璥ᑮ䵳由⡕ꕃꢋ큄萹䵫镰䰝囹졕騸髳룦습梄�謒豎闰跓ₗ꾍ꩶ琲넮✅颩娃栀꫔㵷鐔䕴ࣁᄿꠤⷲ坖穖錼⒛䃬�闍碼ᬁɇક䗚ᨕ⤗ė⠄Ꞗ蝒䥕정⎱崜֯찴₷ⷛ근虎솃饋嶪౤ꅨḵ⸊隲ਊȍ骭誠루䍛싕襅歡孏鱆釕璕崲ꊲ⋹釜䚲碚剰蕎ⴷ궩츈᪚⵸㰵㑞贫揮ځ炄⴪鵔뢹ꊺ칦仰᷊ᰤ詇狉Ꮯﴲ䟕៳곊쫔᜝ꆩ吜ꢔ㭓챜걩ﰥꤣ᭝ꛏⲦ鏶ະ귢쒍㻏◾귈浑䦰䕝鰕鞑闘行ꅠ苔⦡�졈⒍圀冁뵩ꆋ�⾐ܢ轇ꏞ韁ꢼ鵸뗓讍孰·鬍恤岆㆜䘶㽊�嫗辊ᕷ�咒泌�ফ踶�얁㙍晃�擲ﳌ幫蘥輙嬗殸㐘ꎣͷ샡ᑟ잖窗穲瑋潄썍�ﳏ暶恮ᄳ틄敝䁶륨Ὠ傂㻚調쪜勩铔寜ཋ궽홖뛈㿇㨓駱櫋梧ÿ㩒毱⚸櫧曢덣㸖܋蟛糁�煼삿캡Ὰ場뻤䒯墸釦놸셶鄴푁᡺ῗ䠷ട൸核钫注貳릧枤뤳ﹼ䱎庖ퟥ牗仼:<륕涶讷領傭ᤴ㳍読㨖ṉ홨玴꤫葔ꏦ붹췚䰧蟹ぴﰚ䢳ἵ嗄럑秢뎷툛횲⻚ﺓ볝꽂䰫띍鎹豫좽ﰐ붃挛헂螄鼻�蟜ꨍ뛁뇶ᠶ⌘벍�ሐ峐헰━煯哃ꔄʢ᥆聪揋ថ䂁聺õ၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А萇ⴠ�ꇮ⢨眍欥瑐桀鯻ԋ鳭돶㺰娩梟⻶唵䩆瀓钒桴ᷧ쮾聍쿍㢄틆ͅ삅�谋妜㧵坒䊭㫼뱮师淧执껲⚞ÿ鯇틌樸徱얷䦟돚�⪣堏໱뤐穘輟붏녬⠭땴ヱ岒풁즨嵨呢鲑ꀆ侪ⵑ蕋淴╏᜚턹암㓮㕯腢穋휢Ꝕ㖉⧶ᓑ鍲뷜ᰛ൚剏暃熋畭禩㒌꣔椶ᾄ്夔嵬슅쿝萨筨梇䎏Ꝓ佔局鄦숣၂塮竴ꅝ鋓⎟댷䙆뙜㮓歊槁킃㋱䥣�作牼됇藐⫉쮢煓梒뚝뎕퓇︸넠煍푧屣捗摔鐱뙕豫在ᝐ댉晴顆᪜坵婛暞희鄖✘熔輠딂䝱湍忪ᮎ�ꀭ쭻่ų吠哐઎腑ﱝ힄㮃渇鵾᧳툽෫Ῐ浣ѯ豷뒍챷ⅅ職㠺ձୟ酇骑ꎩ횩ÿ뙯䙾ᗣ漿릥닆ﬠ鐌콖㛈ࡩㇳী捤캫Ẕ矅輔�몜ྜ盛旝㍯ⴸ羝삋蜸�긬蚤淼㩯ਞ쎹�䧫尳ﯚ瓏寭珳뾄슚뭶拵젇㓧鋰礧⥍ࡂꙕ波↔歱湇��ᾟ綹䰋Ↄ︢竒㍺佇蜿垈槆䶞埼ꘇ鏛䍸㞳�넝�蛅��傎ᅵ˵㟗ꉫ鷤ⰶ涱䧋嘣㯜珃㧮餄貜瓗వꡳ俐⪰웽塬䒑⡓ᨴᘅᑝ얖痦̒⑁ǰ㝴뤍쳛䞮殦�퐑ꈫ㚶䳼댷툒䜧㮰푾骘䗈㷢岥䞒㮝于뚬ꗼ䃶壴�饛頇ﵩ瓥鶁농뒵ㇳ厽�নꕸ晀⧃䡀졛䁴�䭀쥚ǁ渫ꋳ䈂耢槈噀䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䬁傅댘假覀랾㪨㔠구䆥Ǒ믇膟⾚㭋�츚ꕁᩡﯱ泖喘孲�ፊꕶ俲﫱䭨פּ禲뿙腮㕓⟎辩贷鵾쐙들銺ԙ순ꅚ零ꓦ貪쉥晤鵢ᔭ槕㳇≊괠콧톳橐疸홉棏䥔鹑覭觲띰䊫劣᫗஁⨿杲顕ᗸ쀈⯼⒕ꖭꯐ牑킳篚ꓒ梔䩹쨡〕㊮敱땥꥜ሷႚ䚺ኌრ淣甞犸๊ᵊ࿷艺৥䝲좡㴓ꋣⷡ믈蟷퍋䟓褷굚༭㨋鵵ꨩ㊬쌅ᦩ퍖㞺팂嗯㗎灟䑵ោ쨱菚壯ۥꆏ鎳ꨙ쮣ʻ㬙摨뵭龡᧝많皹Ɪ踆镤�᥸⍗㕮㪓鿅㻒髪쯌戶⯒龮㟾쥋롫컑蔄墩콧뫋뭆朝�跞㾛熭蕻金�濢∙誔럵웱䟭ꄑ株�⒟ﳴ퐇圶봶玎뉨排ͮ曯䍣ᓟ䅚質迒ᐜ黙㜉橆ꫝ㟯ﭲ碉구♆훁槍馼糭႒읇Ḝඣ쐿ꅨ㘙뵩ぢ㩕پ룷ᤖﯛ칭㧛ﯶ롐鲻쑲ꘐ瑦螦Ὴᥐꝍ椻ಬ浴ङᐢ䮎䢀ᐯ꒦ꕒ牗�䤾Κ㕍嘜홳审衽⩱嵬합퐎㛙죶曍읜㌲ꬅ﮿ᨏ腽᭙顭旯㫆夭ピ✛萉䲌╘ι㳏侇ᶰ봂⍅맋卺믜멿혙歷䖉ꕃᏡ뼏�애索៦툗챼꣕ꎨﰛ隀ఈ櫘캀ꖅ℁ਃ䨂㏞ʢ�嘂蟙ф뮭衎ࠉ袆阌⮠穀₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠⶠ�᠐ㄷᑔ؄홆펀碳䯦鄔ꆽ磌쀡ꂊ绛咳⹣緜㬗ⷡŷỾ뜟욚슣Ὅ⭋ÿ뗈︙ꓥ窽꙽癏덶롡剮뗑龷凍嗃⊏ᷝꅏ�庎卖⇟눲岇ᩐ薆첶㹴륧귝磊䴘갣蝗猵흢䰭䊇풪㚚챊끥꾉䪊脻鋦ꍩꎖ爫揗ꔭ코ⱂ햸崖딒섒㭄읃ᝨᥑ茖覺ꅒ镂塙焠♜ઝ跄ꅑ롪ẏ䷳긹䚤м⣳㝱꣔ጮ葇먂ꑱ罚朤ᆝ晔貫�覂譱蚑ክ⎎굂⺵龇Ⳝ珕F꿠됼ᐸ吸ܞꄔ⨵㘛�鯝鰘桀鈲䃳࠘鼄呵빕ᙚㅋ屚ꆛ盗ÿꅥ寛웢룃稱鲸ᆘ닣ሰ൭ᇟ掀ウഀ⩴拈鎱븫邻ÿ꒷ᄎ茀��廆헎颶덌艡囪ⶏఽ轳軡ꁞꍚᜅ쩞窹䤩蓖닑�᮷ᯗ㿳忔捪잾뿛꿴浄⋽㯦ર쌵誖摦᫺⌦無䯞弙賳�㘦ங衫䂜鱻瑈ᑎ쯓鬋펖뺆쌦괭皎拳䭯᮸늜䦄姺ﴅ�ⴙ鄴⮜璫䨴釸깰㺱፞౼溇㊲켹㮚ә풵⏁֟㞺㥣╭겡럥䃌줡湦⊮䦧튍ᄚ꟭引춸쒿ᨛ㚮泙왭∻峣疸澲딃㥳媩ℭꉷᵍḹꥆෆ꺙웤ꜞ�☃ʽ큫숿䞂瞗匦⛴宲ᮓʍ嬈�蚷犚饪힘깮妲噇仲王훂ᬽ᝷㈠ꂭ浬挍婃ĸ΢࠾ˊࡂɊ�␠艏丂탞ꋩ䨂탞ꋩ䨂ퟞ袆⠉ꔠ䀴䍈ဝ焙Ƶꅽ刁퐃၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Аā蕋ᙐ攥ɂ舊횀防ᶚᰐ몛兛ⳙ깛�츺䂲⫠ۢꊥ㾞誾낫ꪪᯝ㊰✔忆鍿諺囶൒돟趝₺쓝૊栚䌥糞岬蜻㘕ℳ밵₍邴鼗턨掟⪜⚍﷫獧嬵놡맲㭟꤬讙䯰巸ᗶꉜ덪ꍷ꠲켜꭪뺩覕湌耠쉾톺爋ꎣ娲汕ᛙ੖拡땧╜�ᕉ鹍蕴釚磢呛ឩ耚꧄˕튠効ⱪ쪫ꔽ陰䃎킠䏳붺▊a㫵⺀垦᭲雕軠嶃詏馔魕婴ꦗᑂᐍ⮣蔫ꊌᵠ섋霜륣쨋械ꆉ괌ཛꪝ힡絻�虸돧턷烡뺥ꪧ擽僵듑ÿ똒ꨖ�謮ꉳ樻磬�맖尫ꓽ餑楝奺☛䎏╘ⴎ祹ᔟ둢躑퉹Ꚛ孰렳�矘塑௮霎�탄ூᴅ祫砓麶槠故錑障掏陶뉨勻挜폇잒챑讣炢�烮琠枯羡漓쪉雭觛雛�扂转Ṉ䬺神ꇩ뫦멲ꊜ룧⻹曐�嘻뭺景㢚홁櫚曼耚ᨏ꩒䮹꺉迕潻肘﷌療៏뺖淏⑬�금�蘘먹᝾͈妏㨜ﺸ࿅♾�梍シ먀ặ畷㯮ﺌ乢릫훨몵ㄆி㵇ꔽ㭑㷕帼⊫᪽툃맟酃嚮뉩꥝腛蘥駛쑼鶾뮅횥碎䟸ꮼᘣ矌싯㯪둧㚶佤羖컌猈쉘݃玼⍚⍭뷈⦙ꉭଷꛜଣ贀뇥䛓ᡁ朝跂쌊같束鱗똺氲ྭᓡ묲扟씂貥轱椣䥝俦⢉⠉襭胤랐➳ʒ�ʢ�ʢ�Ǒ漩ʢ୊᨞␠덡⃶ꈳꞵؤ灜ő좐胨횾⮠穀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Аନ橯ฃ⫢肂좂哛ဝ阚졞㠸們ⅴ영延混䓌஋駷밆伞纜ᅳ�এꏗ꼾�㡙�瓸符랥쥡姎ᘴ�좩疅ꍇ㋚宜⎷쯧쳸⽷ᑩ⨭�妅ꖑ拆ಫ๡⌗醸톞哠፜뜮⢑䲙潼ྥ䨞骦䈷酱깵퀠ﷱⷪ옗瑔慥㓪匭ꅜ攮崝倩閫坙䝛뤒层㲒鯵嗋⟞꣐驵ղ䉳鍫氫♎톄졅㚶窛蚕ꞵ籞⬗앒鸔좠糝䩀踳嫢쬢Ḟ竽Ṿ穟璚쿘簫旝쯐낰뺺芼틎ⴣ쏍ᓛ㜑麋䛣碴咒깒銅芒筲눣翭궥郛摳�資춁栎ﱟ榮⴬尫嬱㭲룽诼㒓꽶뀵ᆳ盃汽팵뒀뗊ꎧ썟ﰠḮᜊ�㡍됗⒥掽욑奲㲁虓୍㩭剌䡆楱ѱ鯹禥洫鯶辂瓚ꌍ쪳裭㄰屛꙽᥃ή챍㵴逭쐹첽ᙷꮺ詚瘾깗땖嚷㛶뼝়澋㼺욕⑥튉ⳁꝴ峋㗴㋝瀆ᴮḯ㋞귘仼鮦̮웩ÿ✔臹ਞꭿ쨿擆Լ鴄⸹쥨凼╔ꘕ쟑톝ꯚ宧앞렘㵶駲独脐去⿼乩ܾⓕ趉�藽㚹駴诛뒼띱Ȯ鱘뜹냳烲燷䡎뎏騮ᮜ�땳훷玷派钿鈎៷쉲➼㷍ຯ뺎ᰮ䲧焥崣㦜䛏箎랹叞簻�浅㛂᨞舷盅�픞鐔대뫽᠞鋊牥架灣ⲙﶋᬛ佷㑚쐃겒ষ쭢럊㽢퐓㯨둻鼍✱ﶨ脈šꝽ�ऋ籮侶鑴軴�霤萍ᶴ鵞䶴栔Ȁ磪剓�積痻꽤ṫ鼹渭ῤ䖨ିⅹ㫂᳟䌽츤ꗸ饿न氘ꚉঈㄈ폤ф뺥騴聨뚕᷆䀴�聨뚕烆Ǒ漩ʢᭂ㤐㌠뒢鈃⨃总ᜐࣙଈ跍堁ɪႠ턞䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Аā࣡ላꆲᬁչ䁁奫䨻ꊃ鬃ͷ㝬褭ƚ鷥ꦟ╯༵ꍮ镽�⢇ퟐ钅巬当ꅟ�硲跋銹曒䝵ﻐ촡运掽뎸珩숣朶�醚榮렑ྐ嗮凅�哤䷼숩誆쿓蕪ꐫĂꆨఈ嶦눰ʇ炪䏗牴ᩗ牋㏬ꩃꎄ䕃쪫큅庢붊田圜䬪皅頭궁륔㬕㦑ট샓릮豔㠭峬娇셓ꑅᥝ졏꾩膔⍞䛁놈潊빲ᆗṗ᜜伪箋떞疵툚ᷧᨀ토汪綖�큷鬋ൌ㢒膋铻꧕᥸鿥㩡␹佁��媒�섛䚎樸㐴蔠㐊卩회ꢎ䟻붲曂�忢ÿ扱똅坈峌ᬅ︰꽱ꮾ뇕鑳콼庘훅쪗念管黺㬟罻췛೥攌р홷᪞釰ẜ碸㜫飑熒ꋸ㡪㮻溘⤧漻龐쟓ṥ鵺骍⟂쪻숟碼ᣫ过疡ꫫ俲ﻷ섦�開漢绛鉬럘ⶆ粔ꁍ⎏㕨뱵톴鿆븃૏ꍍ┼害뭋ማ๠炂驴嚇ᶸ唼䶮㓎췢㼏ᷝ놏㻙�衸ꆮ嵴�썘莼㊀㫆╺棔�Ꚅ㧴韺뎵燛黭왥쎌휌긦蒍䚓祍㮨뺈猸卯욃⫙ᳩ짪⸡䵒콊唩얞᲋䌣툾곥岣ᘅ遻擢⃑폒�섇㵧䝥�牢⤙㚄㩐ﭧ༸妵刋욖鱌㛻摕臎﮷셔㻑ﵝᕵ盹協䋞濝ⴕ闏黓뱑ⰲᨶ䇗강ᐌꂩﴴ櫥蝊⦃㪹䆶滟ꯛꢎ傱蛑�ꝋ웚ÿⴒ頦狏峷勒植ᳮȂె㱱ነ捐ꘉঈ氻퍑胊뚕Ǒ洭ʢ�㐖Ǒإ਴聨蚐ી聨諍໐ై宦즁礁蒰퀅胀㖨倁༈聨ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ĉ偀哱␆퓱Дﴭ䆽Ǒ斪胨鯢싊땽姏讎�瀛菖잣㿢㓌ÿ担蟈줗䴟��ꄿ澰㗜䳚�쫘鲾ɪ햄⑗앨গ刻迺粡㸳訧萹ጢ닜衔쐳း긞ഝ楱톨㨚펤㎪론앫踎쩔㴔ᤫ娊창䢀⫔槍꣐묖ᖇ痂뵌慡罹ൻ鲕歆�೑ủ䥁锪鋜ꮂ�担긌츩嫆輽랼삍—ᯢ䗇덯ꤥ뻧曧詏덺�ᦶ跽쀩┻紀⾉悊⨪괎�녚輆鞞존玷녗ꕏ滘㴭쌝聯뵼�ݧ譋幙뾖婓㰒欕ᬑﵧ嶂㌑㮰挫箲좖侳䙮뿜簃颏회摈魯䂦㏟桨࿠ᐽ雱妥�뗞ﱈ꤯돔澳纜쓭襍ᮂ귭൲庾臒�飋꟟䝓㐇➭ꢆꛖ똁ᚶ샡滈ⵯ矬덍앉�⌥澌꿡痂서阔벦鬬ꖖﭼ䷚郹篘⯖욋ᬾ㭧珥긖ἄ鵌퍝᧣׳྆鿛ᙹ曖﬿ꢖ⏻똥횶룢触ិ칼郞儧䣀싟蕫ᜍꎥ⨾薲ݑ삖㟝궙㒿늱楼㥼ఛ΃闇姾꼼❯ꅊ쫭㦕䯾㮿뜛쮑임뭞攷圏괣嶛㈠韔�✌ی벆㥗鉐鿏⽷덷ᷙ釗瘘닻袱熶鼍捻筤畸唍렳噺ᬱ揟멊ៗ즓㭱䮍燤흱䫞충璳ꌱ列觚⠴ꄓ萱秛벜諭�擼켐ᷳ唗좶쯜澷칖뚥䖻湯䯖鞖燕훕﹁汥陱瞯趛蝱跂⣲塱䂛ࣖꃭ聦ྚ듚䌥铈鶜髫捲쓄㽜駼ു짣䪼ዩ挴멧䶔⍻暮忤述濥耀莓琖Ǒ津㪉聨뚕烄ꃲ津Ჱ꠼嬉䡬쫓钀얷厴фᢌ⧠΢⬺⤐΢㬲㥐㈠逜嬗ပ̗ᔐ萆됇筀ń䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ąଈ㍒ф�Ե긁귤๪ඈ看砲诫�㓒苐ᄸ⫮訲豪춶審鲚䙷�캅쫙衱쎃ꅑꡁⵘⷼ鿅陙�䈃鏏鬏碖￙Ḁ푣㣒Ꙫ䏣⸼嗳�ꪀ昘䆚ㄔ䦺ꀝ䅣ﴤ듋晃灷嬒튞㰪ኄ锽銢⪃䒖北졞꽣ힱ둏膾ퟶ釢꺥感ꅜ鉢ṻ塙廟�禒桜웖㔉告鿣甒査捵湃砲ꡫ墭酴궹긬瞵踪ቪ檴�툓힧Ḙ盅ﯖ왩뇨賮⏍쪌꺹숅떢ᔄ㚦䌣믃⿝㺳쥆눽룝換�ʉ꘻蒹⏅윜㗔헔튤炭엾皚멸�ﱪ摜쾨箬�뗝೜괉掺뎼õ瑻ͱ㕇諚그〈㋧呢ꕦ뭷�ᵇ沛폝㇐貗䍯묠鋩ບƭ뫢᧝쌘軜㊟㬤듁≳⹫淠J퐀緻銵ꓙ�坙墪ܜ槄핒⟙藐⪉寒戳旃᥄⤛제梮�䧓㔢㼔䢆憏캈�枨챭駌긘馰욐汧⃤镯욲蛺앜ÿ⢧孍痉㈲핔桬밝㧘韝Ⳝ蒵翶㛕叆餙�孳讻ꚭᆯ䧹�⺣풜ﺡ燤ÿ寧펶홷䞗函暙俅槀砑謟䪧庞䷥⛸窪ꭝ焢穼㘖풯�ҿ鸌퓢뚹辗똺ꬓꃏ洪燤㵔븬껐�穝뼜餽柍靳챹삄�㓫ྑ鵌꼩㥍䨮姵蹥싙搴贁俦⸕㍕䩻꠬숕쫄ꆸ짖۬�뜹�忈秂ఁ헻뚑軙泶鿎﮶褹⚟石펢ﻓ糵⑭睹枳됭揖㘱궁�ˡ⮀洌裔�៷위랋漮餏䚗蕿䪼〜誛몸䶔⭽ꗮ鷒졧锿Ⴜ똒默㜀ф뚥ʢ�胊뚕හ䀴孊胢袦⠉耱䁲썧ΏΒ⬶㤠㈠뙣鈃flš甁蒱愅ơࣨ栏₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀⤠ꩰᘃ呦Д䆽Ǒ蠎㌎�瀷⭮鄦뤭뤍←쬀窭슾穿鏋乯ꅋꑌ�붙뎶㯟갧ᧈ躯䆁儾㬴쵾㿪龕改덱幘潉䠫焭䄁䐳힠芡咤ཷ횤쥭헷뛥♎‿快ᡓd墂헯ݨ䦟뢯洕咪ﯳ⺇Ἒ睄筏ᠴ䴶󾠱粋壻헟蚷ᩒ蛋鍓쐝�ᖏ奓淯檗渷鏐닧ᛖᛙ혳擅娙�캧罣쌱ᖟ␙귋灎ᙺ靾אּ�芹컾�㊕ً䩎ḣ빼�ᇒ�뭮⭛⺹駳믽熺ᢱἭ賗掾䈿쫦춵ᴵꓠ參젛潻Ⲽ蚧꟧�絹왣룝链뒰폗䎂珥赆䨧촅檋뗦시賺⯭ꙷ᧚咜סּಏ䧇ᩬ휼簐荏翚㴓웉楮⾟폶ᦸ餭噳ⶕ궯鹎Ҭ�ẕ愅炋捗鬜㹔�㶘��䱺늑擙Ꭲ긆悆윪ޏ��醤翲ꤕ뫫㬢鸹烝齣瞵뒥練䮜뗍ﲥ婢끷㱆趯䟧괹蕜摶꣯調䴽㼯쒛蟶Ᾱ㇖燗둋ⰷ构〱긽튒裯躸縠猗>戀䭝ꜭ㱶챟㖶普殟퐮�죆虍ݶ乺ᵫ醤း㣞⮡骩譜媣鴳矞뮟芮쥭⣈듶�댚ÿꌡ巗�誖펌ಝ岳埦㭏巍줣휤꫞䏏뜟ᩂ⿵腒穒ꀔ蟤ऌ昭纒授轴ٷ咴엾�⧳唉暛雊㍉举𥉉迺�퇥᭟㝹葻瓪믭�覻阬籖쯝졸ÿト蔀ᡝ礤犷㶧듙痏잏㵂㉇쀈듲坐태枦✢�ቝ淌掹鼎㘳殟읙䃯識␇﫲鋷홪⒯羴砫Є뛍蔣ꈛ刂໛텴ⴁ衭䩀鹆є뺝ฬै焘狀晀担␇将ꁶ䁲㉤㤀⸠₶ᜐȃꀂḐÑ၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀А၀Ą䀀Аନ㕒脁ᕳ䁁摀橭蠎⬍扰릢隷頉ᰟⶍ屻ࠪ樺ᐏ퍤�ﯤⅇ퀾鏝䵜螜鳴໮�켋랧琺봾旍ꧣ鶯䳾⿃寵홆濚䀽嗓웙ꖎ띘쏹ꝱᐊ켌�㜃饥䣇뵢閱䊳꣓숾⨴큉炮呒�捛뜻釻掰ㆻ粶并택婟庻醇ⳓ㰭숾ꞵ籔쯭�犨輽滚᳷䮻䉲禫焜리譻Ɐ瑵숲栴篩݇긴ꈨ뵲株祮淜沟ꎛ渑똭控턢풐�ÿ較齄毂盉⎔鋋�믘覫맜趝㙺玭댱⳦覤䳚⨚蘭赏訔ꆓ櫃赬냷짠곤縧晆槉躖쟱諗㿦갤谦㛳ꎢ떞ꕑ᱋府붇໖넧☷㙖㙥쯥柯䡷떻ﵡ甧㴝뉆솁䩱㊚�躢�꧝죙閝关鯇炻ᢸ峨ଟ⺥嫽꫷솮瘳䴆滋粍錦뻛濴霭ⵥ⺞但骏ᚮw놖诧䞘係鸵尗㴴貜搘嬮덈뮻�첍圄ཙ뚗쑣誌팁珰ꍝ힁壅⫲蝤⛍钹矍霴鴒鹳ꤒ횕䛏濗疄눮踦Ꙋ䋏툶耮脂䝲ꊵ渒溆ܻ즖⍊뚳蹼憫䱦釁ⷜ핛禳襞덲䳺ᐿﰱ穿ೕ푕닰邞�켾拀�떕镩ȸㆭ宂ᴞ觜痜㎓獯Ⱟ迒쿂켳ꆹꑈ鎌餥㒾辵嘼Ȝꬂ뱍⟃ㆫ쑽賧銲ࡲ쬉㽬⨏嘂࿛쫃門쒶㰍ন簻ὐƅإิై泸쮀첎䠎阌腛lj끹肀ᢸᔐꂆꈽ�₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠ₀Ȉ耀ࠠꖀǁ㎏ဪ圑咰ؔ钯ꢴ›✹癴韄䍖樣廚Ꮨ椣륚覟鲢㓍퇶酑鑯�꼞챨滶ﳑ톓䳾沯�⺛岇싄帙Ժ꥕呲ఽ仛琉餭㟀ᘶ乼歖婙큛עᩗ㢡鉏ਢ⛡ྲྀ溧㏯誟䧋럓긲됞ꒆ챛ᬅἨﲔאָ⯹츭얌趙㗎㉟錾ۮ쓃ﯯ㙬ᅳ斐徶㬍桙瀈꠬贯燄ꥣÿ镪노⹮澌콶┛�桏쑍輆豤酿ᳬ閪ꈸῺꏾ�濧筦�⛢챬㪷㊲嫡ආ渕㙴ᭃ鎟켫嗽ﳮ鲍룖喼▶ᗗ켲━珎அ碍檟뫣妨ज㥲㜀᝷幓쫝껩Ắ除ᩗ뢸㗱⹙꧜ᣴ縸퓚笣鲺輺喷㙗﹯⬴熱梬Ȕඊ⎚똄鵊㫢Ꝓ霸걭껮텟୭翦跥장⧶ෆ召≷︖酦憶嶻⾹巋䔻⺜༕Ꝿꏼꉕ괸磮ﯷ⏬⫲�딗஘�찃�諘嬼틽췵ᇝ솶杭ࡧㅤᢲ㦘P㲮��贶蹱迕鮼䲇쩃℺ᣃ鷇﾿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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Portrait artists Kathryn Eddy and Pinky Adubato like to meet their subjects before they start to paint. Getting them to sit still is another story,nike free run 4.

Eddy and Adubato are pet artists; their subjects typically are dogs or cats, but have included the likes of ferrets and horses.

Dedicated to capturing the bond between pet and owner, Eddy, a Montclair resident who works in acrylics and oils, began Dog Portraits (dogsonthewall.com) in 2005. 揧ou can see the loyalty in a dog抯 eyes, and that is the essence that anyone who calls me is looking for,?she says,shox torch 2.

A native of Red Bank, Adubato (pinkyadubato.com) has been a self-employed muralist and portrait artist for 26 years. Four years ago, she began doing pet portraits. 揑f I had a magic wand, I would only want to do dog portraits,?she says. 揚eople would rather have their dogs painted than their children.?

Although meeting their subjects is important, Eddy and Adubato prefer to work from a variety of photographs,http://www.cheapnikeshoxtorch.com/. 揑 need and want a good understanding of their personality and their spirit,?says Eddy. For more pet portrait artists, visit njmonthly,rolex submariner price.com.


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There was a vein of dry humor, or what not, in the mast-man; and, whether in freak of patriarchal irony touching Billy’s youth and athletic frame, or for some other and more recondite reason, from the first in addressing him he always substituted Baby for Billy. The Dansker in fact being the originator of the name by which the Foretopman eventually became known aboard ship.
Well then, in his mysterious little difficulty, going in quest of the wrinkled one, Billy found him off duty in a dog-watch ruminating by himself, seated on a shot-box of the upper gun deck, now and then surveying with a somewhat cynical regard certain of the more swaggering promenaders there. Billy recounted his trouble, again wondering how it all happened. The salt seer attentively listened, accompanying the Foretopman’s recital with queer twitchings of his wrinkles and problematical little sparkles of his small ferret eyes. Making an end of his story, the Foretopman asked, “And now, Dansker, do tell me what you think of it.”
The old man, shoving up the front of his tarpaulin and deliberately rubbing the long slant scar at the point where it entered the thin hair, laconically said, “Baby Budd, Jimmy Legs” (meaning the Master — at-arms) “is down on you.”
“Jimmy Legs!” ejaculated Billy, his welkin eyes expanding; “what for? Why he calls me the sweet and pleasant fellow, they tell me.”
“Does he so?” grinned the grizzled one; then said, “Ay, Baby Lad, a sweet voice has Jimmy Legs.”
“No, not always. But to me he has. I seldom pass him but there comes a pleasant word.”
“And that’s because he’s down upon you, Baby Budd.”
Such reiteration along with the manner of it, incomprehensible to a novice, disturbed Billy almost as much as the mystery for which he had sought explanation. Something less unpleasingly oracular he tried to extract; but the old sea-Chiron, thinking perhaps that for the nonce he had sufficiently instructed his young Achilles, pursed his lips, gathered all his wrinkles together and would commit himself to nothing further.
Years, and those experiences which befall certain shrewder men subordinated life-long to the will of superiors, all this had developed in the Dansker the pithy guarded cynicism that was his leading characteristic.
Chapter 10
The next day an incident served to confirm Billy Budd in his incredulity as to the Dansker’s strange summing — up of the case submitted. The ship at noon, going large before the wind, was rolling on her course, and he, below at dinner and engaged in some sportful talk with the members of his mess, chanced in a sudden lurch to spill the entire contents of his soup-pan upon the new scrubbed deck. Claggart, the Master-at-arms, official rattan in hand, happened to be passing along the battery in a bay of which the mess was lodged, and the greasy liquid streamed just across his path. Stepping over it, he was proceeding on his way without comment, since the matter was nothing to take notice of under the circumstances, when he happened to observe who it was that had done the spilling. His countenance changed. Pausing, he was about to ejaculate something hasty at the sailor, but checked himself, and pointing down to the streaming soup, playfully tapped him from behind with his rattan, saying in a low musical voice peculiar to him at times, “Handsomely done, my lad! And handsome is as handsome did it too!” And with that passed on. Not noted by Billy, as not coming within his view, was the involuntary smile, or rather grimace, that accompanied Claggart’s equivocal words. Aridly it drew down the thin corners of his shapely mouth. But everybody taking his remark as meant for humourous, and at which therefore as coming from a superior they were bound to laugh “with counterfeited glee,” acted accordingly; and Billy tickled, it may be, by the allusion to his being the handsome sailor, merrily joined in; then addressing his messmates exclaimed, “There now, who says that Jimmy Legs is down on me!”

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For those that deal frequently with heavy paper work or drawings, buying art cases might be a regular activity. Owing to the cost of purchasing most art cases, it is therefore not feasible or economically viable to invest large amounts in them. For this group of people, their paramount need is preservation and storage of their work ?to prevent it from ruin or make filing and display much easier. Without sacrificing quality, it is norm to store or display such work in a cheap art case that is practical can be bought in large quantities.

The trend is that paper and plastic based cases are much costly than leather and metal types. However, with the availability of synthetic materials nowadays, most people are very comfortable with buying a cheap art case with an inferior material rather than go for quality ones. Their reasoning is that since times are changing, no matter the cost of such purchases, they most likely might still need to revise their purchases to meet requirements of modern demands. Hence economic wisdom postulates that for this group, owing to the frequency of use and purchase, functionality and cost beats style and perhaps quality.

Expensive casing does not necessarily make a good work or display, while pricing and quality are a big part of our culture today; it is not pertinent to push for theses if it fails to satisfy a practical objective. With the innovative technology available today, a cheap art case like paper and plastic can serve the same storage or display purposes as an expensive one while still maintaining modest aesthetic properties that be appreciated even in today�s materialistic standards. It is all about what you need and what is available within your means. Cheap does not mean it is not perfect, however, perfection can be achieved regardless of material or cost if your choice is right.


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“Ay, ay,” answered Pontoys, “the boor to the booty, and the banner-man to the boor, a right pithy proverb. But, prithee, canst thou say why his pageship leads us not forward yet?”
“Pshaw!” answered Genvil, “the shake I gave him has addled his brains — or perchance he has not swallowed all his tears yet; sloth it is not, for ’tis a forward cockeril for his years, wherever honour is to be won.— See, they now begin to move.— Well, it is a singular thing this gentle blood, Stephen; for here is a child whom I but now baffled like a schoolboy, must lead us gray beards where we may get our heads broken, and that at the command of a light lady.”
“I warrant Sir Damian is secretary to my pretty lady,” answered Stephen Pontoys, “as this springald Amelot is to Sir Damian; and so we poor men must obey and keep our mouths shut.”
“But our eyes open, Stephen Pontoys — forget not that.”
They were by this time out of the gates of the castle, and upon the road leading to the village, in which, as they understood by the intelligence of the morning, Wenlock was besieged or blockaded by a greatly superior number of the insurgent commons. Amelot rode at the head of the troop, still embarrassed at the affront which he had received in presence of the soldiers, and lost in meditating how he was to eke out that deficiency of experience, which on former occasions had been supplied by the counsels of the banner-man, with whom he was ashamed to seek a reconciliation. But Genvil was not of a nature absolutely sullen, though a habitual grumbler. He rode up to the page, and having made his obeisance, respectfully asked him whether it were not well that some one or two of their number pricked forward upon good horses to learn how it stood with Wenlock, and whether they should be able to come up in time to his assistance.
“Methinks, banner-man,” answered Amelot, “you should take the ruling of the troop, since you know so fittingly what should be done. You may be the fitter to command, because — But I will not upbraid you.”
“Because I know so ill how to obey,” replied Genvil; “that is what you would say; and, by my faith, I cannot deny but there may be some truth in it. But is it not peevish in thee to let a fair expedition be unwisely conducted, because of a foolish word or a sudden action?— Come, let it be peace with us.”
“With all my heart,” answered Amelot; “and I will send out an advanced party upon the adventure, as thou hast advised me.”
“Let it be old Stephen Pontoys and two of the Chester spears — he is as wily as an old fox, and neither hope nor fear will draw him a hairbreadth farther than judgment warrants.”
Amelot eagerly embraced the hint, and, at his command, Pontoys and two lances started forward to reconnoitre the road before them, and inquire into the condition of those whom they were advancing to succour. “And now that we are on the old terms, Sir Page,” said the banner-man, “tell me, if thou canst, doth not yonder fair lady love our handsome knight par amours? ”
“It is a false calumny,” said Amelot, indignantly; “betrothed as she is to his uncle, I am convinced she would rather die than have such a thought, and so would our master. I have noted this heretical belief in thee before now, Genvil, and I have prayed thee to check it. You know the thing cannot be, for you know they have scarce ever met.”