Friday, November 2, 2012

louis vuitoon White man

"White man," he said solemnly, "this is the road to hell, where all manner of devils live. Night brings remorse, and dawn brings self-hatred, which is worse than death."
Cuthbert, whose Swaheli was faulty, and whose Bomongo talk was nil, grinned impatiently as his coastboy translated unpicturesquely,chanel bags cheap.
"Dam nigger done say, this be bad place,air jordans for sale, no good; he say bimeby you libe for die."
"Tell him to go to blazes!" said Cuthbert noisily; "and, look here, Flagstaff, ask him where the rubber is, see? Tell him we know all about the forest, and ask him about the elephants, where their playground is?"
Cuthbert was broad-shouldered and heavily built, and under his broad sun-helmet his face was very hot and moist.
"Tell the white man," said the chief quietly, "there is no rubber within seven days' journey, and that we do not know ivory; elephants there were cala cala--but not now."
"He's a liar!" was Cuthbert's only comment. "Get these beggars moving, Flagstaff. Hi, alapa', avanti, trek!"
"These beggars," a straggling line of them,moncler clerance, resumed their loads uncomplainingly. They were good carriers, as carriers go, and only two had died since the march began.
Cuthbert stood and watched them pass, using his stick dispassionately upon the laggards. Then he turned to go.
"Ask him," he said finally, "why he calls this the road to what-d'ye-call-it?"
The old man shook his head.
"Because of the devils," he said simply.
"Tell him he's a silly ass!" bellowed Cuthbert and followed his carriers.
This natural path the caravan took extended in almost a straight line through the forest. It was a strange path because of its very smoothness, and the only drawback lay in the fact that it seemed to be the breeding-place of flies--little black flies, as big as the house-fly of familiar shape, if anything a little bigger.
They terrified the natives for many reasons, but principally because they stung. They did not terrify Cuthbert, because he was dressed in tapai cloth; none the less, there were times when these black flies found joints in his armour and roused him to anger. This path extended ten miles and made pleasant travelling. Then the explorer struck off into the forest, following another path,moncler womens jackets, well beaten, but more difficult.
By devious routes Mr. Cuthbert came into the heart of Sanders' territories, and he was successful in this, that he avoided Sanders. He had with him a caravan of sixty men and an interpreter, and in due course he reached his objective, which was the village of a great chief ruling a remarkable province--Bosambo, of the Ochori, no less; sometime Krooman, steward of the Elder Dempster line, chief on sufferance, but none the less an interesting person. Bosambo, you may be sure, came out to greet his visitor.
"Say to him," said Cuthbert to his interpreter, "that I am proud to meet the great chief."
"Lord chief," said the interpreter in the vernacular, "this white man is a fool, and has much money."
"So I see," said Bosambo.
"Tell him," said Cuthbert, with all the dignity of an ambassador, "that I have come to bring him wonderful presents."

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